• Chapter 44 • Brawl

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Anastasia's POV (Edited)

This past week had been total hell. Kayden had been fuming throughout the whole week and it was a miracle that he and Aaron hadn't come eye to eye with each other. Yet. But I feared that this yet might changed to already soon. Kayden's been investigating the steal and so far he hasn't gotten any concrete evidence that relates the whole case towards Aaron.

Aaron's team must on the work too since Aaron will try his best to prove his innocence. The very first step in proving it was removing any fabricated evidence or detail that might lead it all to him. Due to all of this ruckus, I hadn't been able to meet Aaron at all.

Forget meeting, we both haven't even talk with each other, this past week. I've been too busy handling the company by myself. Kayden remained absent usually as his sole purpose right now is to find the mole as soon as possible. Someone tipped from our company. I'm sick to even think that one of our employee can betray us.

Many of the employees had been with us since the company was handed over to Kayden. Which is already quite a time now. So, just by thinking that one of our trusted employee had betrayed us is somewhat hurting. We both considered the employees our family.

They're the sole reason we reached to this height. Their constant hard work, untired focus and dedication led Richmond's Industries to where it is. I don't want to lose my utmost trust in my workers just because one of them decided to be a back stabber.

"It's appreciating you understand the situation. I promise your investment will not go in vain and Kayden is trying his best to find the culprit as soon as he can. I just want you to put your trust in us."

I requested to Ms. Beaufort. She's french and recently decided to invest in our company to broaden her roots. But since the mishap, alot of our investors had been getting worried as Dream Project was a major project and many of the renowned people has invested in it. So, here I am assuring them that our company won't disappoint them.

So far it had work as alot of our investors had been with us since my grandpa's time. But the new ones, they're pretty hesitant. I don't blame them. Putting your money in a new company and then suddenly a stealing mishap happened, it's not a good picture anyone would want to watch and even get cast in it.

"I have always heard the best of your company. I also heard only good things about Atkinson's Tech. It's a shame you two are rivals. Your companies are the top 2 highest grossing companies ever. It would shook the whole business world if you two decided to merge together. You two would be unbeatable."

Ms. Beaufort stated. Only if it was that easy. There's alot of issue and I can't even begin to point out. It will take probably my whole life. So, I just tried to smile

"Thank you for your understanding, Ms. Beaufort. I hope we can work in future too."

I spoke with hope. She must have agreed to not withdraw but there's only little chances for her to continue with us. She's a major investors and it would definitely affect us. So, god I hope she decides to continue with us.

"Of course, but let's talk about that in the future, eh?"

She spoke not clearly denying nor clearly agreeing. But this is still better than denying. Atleast, I can hope.

"It was nice meeting you, Anastasia. But I'm afraid I'm running late. I'll see you soon."

She stood up before we both shook hands and she left for another meeting. I sat down back on the chair and sighed heavily. It was my third client meeting in only a span of two hours. And it's not even 11 right now. Looks like I had a big day ahead.

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