• Chapter 47 • Punsihed

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New chapter

Aaron's POV (Edited)

The last two weeks had been the busiest months of my entire business tenure if I exaggerate it a bit. These past two months had literally sucked the life out me. I have been totally confined only to my office and office alone.

The huge amount of paperwork along with the souvenir my uncle has left for me. It all added more to my already tight and packed schedule. Kayden was also not making anything easy for me. He was hell bent on proving me the culprit. He did all his best to paint me as the bad guy in all this.

But as I say, I didn't do anything wrong so I had no fear of getting caught too. His useless and pointless efforts to tarnish my reputation and company didn't affect me a least bit. But it did affect Anastasia. Since their fall down, they hadn't talk with each other. She had been living with me since then.

Although, she tried calling him but Kayden never picked up. He has ego even bigger than the whole America itself. He refused to acknowledge his sister's distress. He so in to his own world that he's overlooking the fact that his sister is getting hurt by his detached behavior. And it hurts me to see her fighting her grief alone.

I tried my best to comfort her. Heck! I even arranged a small get together party for her with her close friends. Alana and Sarah did their best in cheering her but I know Ana. She was although showing everyone that she was happy, but deep down inside, I know she still yearned for her brother's approval. Almost everyone has no issue with her being with me.

Even Maura was estatic when I told her about this. She was over the moon and demanded to come here as soon as possible. So, I bargained with her that if she can complete her assignments within the due date than she can spent the whole winter vacation with us. Safe to say, she had already done half of her assignments and currently packing to catch tomorrow's flight.

She knew about what uncle did. She was upset and disheartened. I always kept Maura sheltered. I didn't tell the atrocious behavior of my uncle and the detached behavior of my mother. I didn't let her influence on her. But I guess it's time she understand the family dynamics. Our family is not a normal family anymore. Everything changed after dad's demise.

The sudden knock at my cabin pulled me out of my cabin. As I permitted, Donna entered inside. She cleared her throat before speaking in her strict professional tone

"Sir, all the arrangements had been done."

A smirked appeared on my face. Well, I have waited for this day so much. Finally, it's time I played the cards.

"Very well then. Is everyone present?"

I asked while gathering my stuff. Donna nodded her head and answered

"Mr. Kayden is also here along with Mr. Drew Castner."

Excellent. I stood up from my place. Anastasia messaged me that she will also come. I don't want her to come because I don't want her to get hurt again. But she was persistent and who am I to stop her? She must be already present there.

It's time for showdown.


I opened the large black doors before entering inside. The whispering, murmuring, everything stopped all at once. My eyes connected with atleast 12 pairs. Everyone from the shareholders down to every other vital person was present here. It was a pre planned meeting after all. My uncle's eyes clashed with mine.

He tried his best not to let his anxiety show but what a poor thing! I can literally see the waves of tension passing through his eyes. Good. I walked confidently to my chair. I didn't fail to notice the hard glare that Kayden directed in my way.

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