• Chapter 16 • Announcement

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Here's the new update everyone...

Aaron's POV (Edited)

My nerves are on sky high today. Today's the day when Mr. Mitchell's party is going to take place. A party means an excuse to announce his new project to us. My week had gone working really hard and fast for this day. My employees did their best and I can't appreciate them enough.

They did overtime, worked ten times more faster and that too without a single complaint. If I got the project today which I really hope I do, then all the thanks will go to my workers.

Nothing could be done without them.

It's currently 4 in the evening. Since today's the party, I have given an off to the whole company. Only I'm invited to that event but my workers needed that break to them. They were working really hard and since the party is on Friday, they got three days off as company doesn't work on Saturday.

I was right now enjoying my free time while double checking presentation. Everything was in place. But still I called my P.A and on the second ring, she picked up

"Good evening, sir."

Donna's usual professional tone rang in my ears.

"Have you checked everything?"

I asked coming straight to the point. I heard her voice clear from the other hand

"Yes, sir. I have checked everything and all seems to be in place. Our two workers are already getting ready and they had memorize their speeches too. Don't worry. Everything will go smooth."

I could only hope that. I hummed in response before telling her

"Donna, I need no mistake, tell them. It's a very big project."

"You can rest assured, sir. I have already informed them about the importance of this project. They got this."

I cut the call after some normal talk. I place the phone back on the bed. I trust my employees really but in truth I don't trust Anastasia. She's been quiet since the day from the meeting. She even remained absent most of the day week.

I can't help but feel that she's been up to something. Her sudden and unusual disappearance made me suspicious of her. I really hope it's just my own thoughts and not reality. Because somewhere I still hope that she won't lie to me. She never did.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of my trance. I checked the caller id and it reads Christian. Finally, he remember that he got a friend.

"My my, you finally remember that you have a friend too."

Christian's clicked of tongue came through before he spoke

"Never quit being a dramatic, Atkinson."

I laughed before asking

"So, you're coming to the event?"

He hummed in response and answered

"I had to attend. Dad would chew me alive if I don't."

Well, Christian's dad is a sore topic. Let just say for now that they both our not on good terms. Christian kept his distance from his dad as much as he could. That would explain their lack of interaction. But events like these, Christian is bound to attend.

His dad had a huge business circle and no one wants outsiders to know about the skeletons in their closets.

"Well, let's just hope he won't give you a hard time."

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