Chapter 4 part 2

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Chapter 4 part 2


Ellie had picked out a movie for her and her father to watch to end their long day of fun and games. Now Ellie's head was bobbing up and down, desperately trying to stay awake through the movie.

Samuel looked down at his daughter with loving eyes, simply appreciating the moment. That was until the moment was interrupted by faint knocking at the door.

"I'll be right back baby" Samuel whispered as he stood up and headed for the door. He didn't know what he expected to be at the other side of the door, but it certainly isn't what he was met with.

His eyes widened as he stared down at the villain who was hunched over and leaning onto the wall for support, breathing unsteadily and bleeding on everything around.

Samuel was still taking in the image before him when the villain looked up at him. His eyes didn't seem to have any emotion in them and Samuel was drawn into them, realizing this is the most he's ever seen of the villains appearance.

His hair wasn't covered by any kind of hat or hood and his mask wasn't pulled up quite as high as usual. It looked.. familiar?

The hero pushed all the irrelevant thoughts aside and all the questions began rolling into his mind. How did the villain know where he lived? Did the villain even know that Samuel was the hero? Why had he just turned up at his doorstep like this?

"I... uhm.. how.. why are you-" Samuel struggled to make his words match up with his thoughts, but his mind was moving too fast.

"Please just let me in" the villains voice was quiet and much calmer than normal, though his words were followed by huffs of air and choked coughs.

"I'll explain everything... I promise" the villain was pleading with the hero. Practically begging the hero to help him out.

Samuel finally calmed down enough to process the situation. The villain definitely knew he was at the heroes house.. and he was staring right at the heroes unmasked face!

Samuel sucked in a bit of air and used his hands to cover his face. He could feel his heart rate speeding up.

"Why are you here?!" The hero spat at the villain.

There was no way the villain was genuinely hurt and asking for the heroes help. The same guy who stole, killed, and encouraged violence? No way.

The hero watched as the villains gaze dropped to the ground between them. This was just an act, right?

"I had nowhere else to go" the villain spoke in a small, weak voice that the hero never would've expected to come out of the villains mouth.

"What?" The hero mumbled, getting lost in thought once more.

He had heard the villain, but didn't know if he could believe him or not. For the hero, it was a 50/50 chance of if the villain was tricking him or if the villain was actually in distress.

"I had nowhere else to go!" The villain shouted firmly before doubling over in pain.

The villain fell to the ground and wrapped an arm around his stomach.

"Hey, hey take it easy!"

The hero took a step forward and started to extend an arm to help before quickly pulling himself back. It was as if all of his feelings were in a war and he didn't know what to do.

However, he was now sure of one thing. The villain really did need Samuels help.

"Just stay right here for a few minutes. I'll be right back, I promise."

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