Chapter 24 part 1

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Chapter 24 part 1


"I couldn't prevent this" Matias mumbled, looking deep into Samuels eyes.

Samuel shook his head slightly. He had tears running down his face and his hair was clearly unwashed and unbrushed. He was very obviously in pain, but had been pretending like he wasn't.

"What?" Samuel whispered.

"This" Matias gestured, both down at Samuels beaten up body and the tears streaking his face.

Matias knew that he himself was also crying profusely, warm tears still falling out of his eyes, but wasn't the least bit concerned about it.

"Matias this.. this isn't.." Samuel breathed, struggling to get the words out.

Matias watched as Samuel took a deep breath, breaking the eye contact between them while doing so.

"This isn't your fault" he spoke slowly, his voice cracking. "You're the only reason the new villain didn't kill me"

Matias shook his head.

He should've stepped in sooner. He should've fought harder. He should've made it to Samuel quicker. He had run through that day over and over in his head, reviewing what he did wrong and how it hurt Samuel.

"I could've prevented it" he muttered, "if I would've just went to you sooner"

His voice was cracking and his hands had begun to shake, still on Samuels shoulders.

The two locked eyes for a moment, neither of them talking. Samuel sniffled and they each continued letting their tears fall from their eyes.

Matias observed Samuel's eyes, realizing how much he had missed them. The light from the window shined through the room, turning his chocolate brown eyes into a mix of beautiful browns and golds. His thick eyelashes were coated in water, many chunks sticking together making them look even thicker.

Samuel sighed and closed his eyes.

Matias began to think he was angry at him. He blinked a few time and felt nervousness run down his spine.

"I don't want to argue with you about something so silly right now" Samuel explained calmly, "I'm just happy we're both okay" he finished, his voice cracking.

Samuel wrapped his arms back around Matias, and it didn't take Matias long to return the favor. Be buried his nose in Samuels hair, holding onto him tight.

The two were knotted together in a warm and comforting embrace, something neither of them had felt in a long time.

Matias could feel his heart pattering hard in his chest, and he was sure Samuel could feel it too.

"I love you" he muttered without thinking.

He felt Samuel tense, and realized what he had said. His heart sped up to a speed he didn't know was possible and the room felt suddenly warm.

He began looking for words, searching for something to cover up what he had said, but had nothing. His arms loosened their grip around Samuels back and his hands started to sweat.

The silence in the room was like daggers. The whirring of machines and beeping of equipment seemed like a distant sound, like a fly buzzing across the room.

"Matias" Samuel whispered, his voice low and breathy.

Matias felt his heart jump.

"I love you, too" he murmured.

He felt Samuels grip tighten around his back and his hands grab onto the thin hospital gown.

His heart rate was still fast, but it no longer bothered him. His body still felt abnormally warm, considering the coldness of the hospital, but it was now a new, welcoming kind of warm.

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