Chapter 29 part 2

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Chapter 29 part 2


Matias had been in the bathroom for ten minutes now. Samuel hadn't heard a noise come from the room, not a faucet, or a foot step, or anything.

He had spend all day trying to figure out the best way and time to tell Matias about Guzantee, all for it to end like this. Everything he tried to soften the fall. And it still didn't work.

Then again, could he really blame Matias? He just found out that everything he believed about him being the villain was a lie. He just realized that the moment his life took a turn for the worst, it was all planned out.

Another twenty minutes passed with Samuel sitting on the couch and Matias doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom completely silently.

Samuel's rationality was completely gone and he was no longer thinking how Matias felt. He wanted to talk to him. He needed to make sure he was okay.

And so Samuel got up off he couch in a hurry, pausing to assure he doesn't hurt himself, and began walking as silently as he could to the bathroom.

Once he was at the door he managed to get a slight sliver of consideration. Just enough to knock on the door rather than barging in.

He knocked three times, noticing how sweaty his palms were in the process.

Within the bathroom no sound was made. It was like Matias wasn't even in there.

A minute passed and Samuel knocked again. "Matias?" He asked softly as he could.

Still no response came from the bathroom. Samuels heart was pounding, but he wasn't sure if it was from worry, eagerness, or something else.

"Matias?" He asked again, louder.

Still nothing. Samuel was filled from head to toe with anxiousness.

He placed his hand on the doorknob, but hesitated. Surely Matias is okay. He can take care of himself. If he doesn't want to talk that's perfectly fine.

Then, for a split second, Ellie's mother flashed into his mind. He was sure he was over all of that, but the fear and shock still remained.

Samuel wasn't sure if he could handle being left like that again. He didn't know what he would do if Matias wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

Tears rose to his eyes and his grip tightened on the doorknob. His breath grew raggedy and his mind wouldn't slow down.

Before he knew it he had flung the door open and was running his eyes around the bathroom waiting for them to land on Matias.

It didn't take long, however, to see him. He was standing in front of the mirror with his hands gripped deathly tight onto the sink. Samuel could see his veins popping out of his arms and he looked somehow paler than normal.

"Matias" he whispered.

Matias didn't respond. He stayed scarily still as he stared himself down in the mirror.

Samuel stepped forward enough to look into Matias's reflection, but still stayed far enough back so he didn't catch his own in the mirror.

Matias's beautiful grey eyes were fixed on themselves, not moving ever so slightly. Samuel caught himself lost in them for a quick moment.

Once he pulled his eyes away he scanned over Matias to assure he was okay. He was still standing like a statue and seemed to have no idea Samuel had even entered the room.

His face was stern and his body was stiff. His hair was laid out of his forehead, making Matias's naturally angry face seem softer and kinder.

Samuel took another step forward, now standing only a few inches away from Matias. He glanced over to see his own reflection in the mirror, but quickly looked back at the man in front of him.

"Matias" he spoke up one last time.

Matias remained. Body stiff, face flat, and eyes fixed.

Samuel lifted one of his hands slowly. He glanced one last time at Matias's eyed in the mirror.

And then he placed his hand gently on Matias's shoulder.

In an instant Matias had broken out of his trance and was flinching back aggressively. He took a large step back and his arm jerked away from Samuel.

Samuel couldn't help but stare, both dumbfounded and a bit scared by Matias's reaction.

He watched as Matias's chest heaved up and down, his mouth open slightly as to get more air. His fists were closed tight as to replace the sink that he was gripped onto before. His face had changed severely from what it was before, his eyes now wide and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Matias" Samuel mumbled, still trying to piece together what was going on.

Matias's eyes darted around crazily, as if he was unsure of where he was and who Samuel was.

Samuel took an ant sized step forward, and Matias flinched back at least a foot.

"Matias, it's okay" Samuel said in a hushed tone "it's just me. Everything is okay"

A response was still not given. Samuel took particular notice of how Matias was staring at him like he was a threat. Like he truly believed Samuel would hurt him.

That and his lip, which was unsurprisingly placed between his teeth.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel upset, or scared, or anything like that" Samuel spoke, his voice cracking. "I didn't know how else to tell you, and I was worried you might be in here.." he paused, his words dying out in his throat. "I'm sorry. I was just scared, and I didn't know what to do"

Matias seemed to relax only a tad, his arms going limp at his sides and his legs shifting to be in a slightly less defensive stance.

Samuel blinked to rid the thin layer of water that had coated his eyes. He relaxed his face as best he could, but was sure he still had an overly concerned look on his face.

He considered glancing over at the mirror beside him, but couldn't pull his eyes away from Matias.

The two stood in the bathroom, not moving nor speaking, for many minutes. Samuel gazed right into Matias's eyes, but Matias didn't look up to meet his eyes even once.

Samuel once again became very aware of his injuries. He was forced to keep shifting his weight back and forth to get comfortable and at times he even became just slightly lightheaded.

He was about to speak up, despite his better judgement, when Matias finally moved.

It was a small movement, but progress nonetheless. His eyes shifted to meet Samuels and his back seemed to straighten.

"I'm sorry" he spoke up for the first time.

Samuel stared for longer than he would've liked, trying to find his words.

"It's okay" he mumbled. "I mean, you shouldn't be apologizing to me. You don't owe me any kind of apology" he stuttered awkwardly, his anxiousness shining clearly through his voice.

Matias had a sad expression on his face, replacing the shocked and upset one from before.

Samuel took a small step forward, moving as slowly as he could, desperate not to send Matias back into panic mode.

"You're just shocked and upset at what Guzantee has done.. it's okay" Samuel went on.

Matias nodded slowly, his expression unchanging.

Samuel locked onto Matias's eyes, unable to pull himself away. Before he knew it the two were standing within arms length of one another, sharing a look of care and concern.

"Are you okay?" Samuel asked once more.

Matias nodded. "I am now"


Omg I just realized that I SAVED this part instead of POSTING it 💀

I will still post the part that was due for today, sorry 💀

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