Chapter 11 part 2

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Chapter 11 part 2


"We'll figure it out"

Samuels heart was racing. He so badly just wanted to be truly worried about the new villain, but just being around Matias took all of that off his mind.

All he could think about is how gentle Matias was now that he was leaning onto his shoulder. And how he didn't think he deserved any credit from any of the 'good' things he did. Matias may come off as rude or absentminded, but in reality he was the sweetest person Samuel knew.

Samuel couldn't resist the urge to be closer to Matias. He always felt the need to be talking to him or touching him in some way. It was like as soon as they were apart a piece of him was missing.

He knew that they had only known each other well for a couple of days, but he wanted nothing more than to be around him constantly. Even though they were sitting incredibly close on the couch and Samuel was leaning over onto Matias, he still wanted to be closer.

They both were now looking back at the news station that was still playing, though Samuel had completely tuned it out.

That was until the villain, or rather Matias, had been mentioned.

"The villain has still yet to show up anywhere. Many believe that he will use the new villains attacks to cause chaos elsewhere."

Samuel could feel Matias tense up at the mention of himself. He pretended like he didn't care about people thinking he was an awful person, but Samuel was sure that it bothered him.

"Police have said they have had no serious gang violence calls, which is typically the kind of issue the villain would cause. In the last 48 hours they say there have only been two gang related calls. Both of which ended up being harmless situations called in by people walking on the sidewalk near alleyways."

For the first time since they had turned on the recording, Samuel was intrigued by what they were saying. It was known that the hero had made no appearances, so why had there been no crimes? Wouldn't his disappearance cause more crimes?

"This leads people do believe that maybe the hero and villain have big things going on behind our backs. Can we really trust the hero? Is he hiding these things from us to work with the villain?"

The tv suddenly went black. He picked his head up and looked over at Matias who had the remote in his hand.

"What a load of crap"

Matias's face displayed a scowl and his whole body was less comfortable than before.

"I mean you're the hero, how many times have you saved their asses?" Matias complained.

Samuel couldn't say that people thinking he was working for the wrong cause didn't bother him, but seeing Matias get worked up about it made his heart skip a beat.

"To be fair, most of the times people think I'm saving them I'm really just fighting you" he half joked.

Samuel watched as Matias's face relaxed and his stiff posture went away with a slow outward breath. Matias was clearly about to continue, but Samuel decided to speak first.

"I know what you mean though. They think that just because the other two with powers are being suspicious that I'm in the wrong too"

Matias let out a breath of agreement. The two dwelled in thoughts of their previous conversations. While neither of them noticed, they leaned slightly over to each other.

They both looked over to the nearby hallway when a door was open and shut. Ellie appeared in the hallway, walking into the living room.

"Daaad" She wined dramatically

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