Chapter 34 part 1 (finale)

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Chapter 34 part 1

I don't usually do TW's at the beginning of chapters (since they're mentioned in the info) but this chapter contains gore and mention of very violent actions. Be cautious as you continue.


His vision had been almost completely covered with red, Meera's powers covering his body completely. His body was going numb as his blood flow was cut off due to her tight grip.

Not matter how much he struggled, he couldn't get free.

And he had accepted that.

He was sure he was going to die.

That was until all the pressure was suddenly lifted and all the red strings not only on him but also everywhere else dropped limply to the ground. All the sound of banging and cluttering stopped, the road growing deathly silent.

Matias watched in curiosity as all the thin red strings of Meera's power evaporated into nothing, disappearing like it was never there.

When he finally looked up, pulled out of his daze, he saw Samuel swaying uneasily.

"Samuel?" He whispered, his voice mostly breath.

He stood up from the ground to get a better view, but he wasn't prepared for what he would see.

Meera was laid out of the road. Her face was covered in blood to the point of being unrecognizable and her body was turned in an awkward way that no living person would ever be laid.

Around her was a pool of blood, growing slowly.

Matias's eyes glued to the sight. He forgot anything else even existed until he heard a gag come from beside him.

Samuel was now bent over with a hand to his mouth. Sounds of dry heaving filled the silence followed by broken sobs.

"Samuel" Matias muttered once more, but his voice was so broken and quiet Samuel couldn't have possibly heard it.

"I-I didn't" Samuel wept, his voice filled with nothing but terror. "It was.. it was a-an accident"

He lifted his head to look at Matias, his face distorted. Tears streamed down his cheeks and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. The sight was ugly, there was no denying, but Matias felt nothing but sympathy.

Matias tried to offer some kind of comfort but his mouth wouldn't form the words and his legs wouldn't allow him to walk. He just stood and stared at Samuel in his broken condition.

"Mat-" Samuel tried to go on, but was interrupted but a loud bang.

Matias's eyes went blurry as they followed the sound, his body jolting to face the building on the other side of the road.

Beside the building, at the entrance of an alley, stood Guzantee.

He had a gun in his hand, still pointed in Matias's direction. The trigger wasn't pulled again, though. Guzantee just stood there.

Matias stared at him for at least thirty more seconds, long enough for him to let the gun fall to his side, before he pieced it together.

He turned on his heel so fast his head pounded and his vision faded in and out for a quick moment.

He knew instantly how grave of a mistake he made. He knew he would forever regret turning around to see that sight.

Samuel was no longer standing like he was before.

Now he was laid on the ground with blood surrounding him.

It wasn't like Meera, though. He wasn't mangled and disturbing. You could believe he was sleeping based on how he was laid. That was, if you could ignore the bullet hole square in the middle of his forehead.

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