Chapter 9 part 1

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Chapter 9 part 1


Turning down Samuels offer for a ride home wasn't exactly what he wanted to do. Hell, he would've actually enjoyed to have Samuel drive him home.

However, if Samuel saw where he was going he'd be furious.

When he made it to the correct alleyway he glanced around him and walked in as casually as he could. He had to take the long way to avoid every chance of seeing Guzantee's men, but it was worth it in Matias's eyes.

He was going to see James. Or he was going to on of his events at least.

As a matter of fact, Matias strictly wanted to avoid being seen by James. After their small fight before Matias had gotten beat up he wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with him.

Even though he had to avoid James, going to one of his events would without doubt take some stress off his shoulders.

You could call it a party, since 'event' is a bit formal. It's not really either of those, but it's usually what people called it.

Really it was just a bunch of people gathering around and getting hella stoned, blackout drunk, or both.

After a bit of walking he made it to the area where bunches of people were gathered all around, bundling in the small area.

He made his way to a corner, keeping himself on the lookout for James. He did not have the energy to fight with him right now. Matias couldn't really blame James for being cautious though. James knows what Matias has been through with drugs— minus the whose villain part.

Matias stood in the corner my himself for a couple of minutes. Approaching people didn't usually work at this kind of party.

Eventually standing by himself paid off as three guys who were stumbling and had red eyes appeared in front of him.

"Hey man, you lookin for some shit?" The guy in the middle slurred, sounding high out of his mind, which he obviously was.

He held out an unlit joint in one hand and a lighter in the other.

"Thank you" Matias replied dryly, taking both the joint and the lighter

Typically taking random stuff from people could be dangerous, but everyone here respected one another. That's what made James so great. He didn't let that messed up shit slide.

Matias flicked on the lighter, putting it up against the end of the joint. He held it up to his mouth and inhaled slowly. It stung the back of his throat in a soothing kind of way. Slowly, his stress began to evaporate.

The three men tried to drag Matias into a conversation, but Matias paid them no mind. Instead he was keeping his eye on James, who was slowly making his way towards Matias. He hadn't seen him yet but he would soon if Matias didn't move.

He dismissed the men he was talking to, or rather who were talking to him, and made his way to the opposite corner.

Gradually throughout the afternoon Matias kept partying, in his own way at least. Roughly an hour had passed and he was well aware that it was time to go.

He had done enough and if he stayed longer he knew he'd do more.

Everything was a bit wobbly and every one in a while he'd trip over his own feet. He didn't have it that bad, he was still perfectly fine to get back to his house just fine. That didn't stop him from running into a few walls though.

By the time he got back to his house the sun was down and stars were appearing in the sky. He didn't even remember walking into his house or to his bed, but the next thing he knew his alarm was blasting a horn noise through the room.

Don't Leave Me Here (boyxboy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz