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POV Alex:

Logan and I have been asked to work on something new in our motor home. James hasn't revealed the details until he finalizes the deal himself. After giving my girlfriend a kiss, I get in my car, feeling curious about what this day will bring. As a team, we have entered into new partnerships with companies in the middle of the season before, so I'm excited to see what's in store. Upon arriving at the parking lot, I spotted Logan and honked my car horn to get his attention. After parking, I greeted him and asked how he was doing. I expressed my curiosity about the reason for our visit today, to which Logan agreed. Logan replied that he was fine and asked me the same. We proceeded to enter the building and make our way to James' office, where I knocked on the door. After a brief explanation of the idea of the day, we head to the recording studio to meet Lizzy.

When we arrive, we see a woman with long black hair wearing white jeans, a soft pink shirt, and black All Stars. On the way, Logan and I discuss our expectations. James approaches her, and I nudge Logan. 'I think she's your type,' I whispered to him, 'Don't be ridiculous.' James walked up to us and introduced us to Lizzy. Gentlemen, Lizzy, all right? We have partnered with her, and she will be managing our clothing line from now on. If you would be kind enough to have her measure your sizes today, she will make sure you get the right clothes. Both of us nodded in agreement.

As Lizzy explains the purpose of the afternoon, I notice Logan looking at her with curiosity. When I lean towards him and mention that he's staring, his expression changes and I chuckle to myself. Throughout the rest of the afternoon, I watch him staring at her. I laugh at the irony of the situation, thinking of the comment he made earlier, not his type, what a joke. 

POV Lizzy:

Returning home, I am pleased with my collaboration with Williams Racing. Logan and Alex were both kind to me. I exit the elevator and walk with my suitcase to my apartment door. I hear the sound of the TV coming from inside. As soon as I enter, I notice the empty pizza boxes in the hallway. I put my suitcase down and walk to the living room, where Dominic is sleeping on the couch. The dishes from the past two days are still in the kitchen. I sigh and grab the remote from the table to turn off the TV.

'Dominic, wake up!' I try to stay calm. However, I'm tired and didn't expect the mess in the house. Dominic!' I try to wake him up, 'Lizzy you're back already!' he says as he opens his eyes, 'Yes, I finished earlier than expected, may I ask what this mess is? He raises his eyebrows and sits up straight, replying, 'I was going to clean it up but I fell asleep.' Dom, can you clean this up now or should I?" "Really would you like to clean it for me?" "What do you think? Please take care of it. The place is a mess, and I don't recognize you anymore." I notice that I am raising my voice. My patience with him has turned into irritation. "Dominic, what is going on?" He remains silent and gets up from the couch. "I am bored, Lizzy, I sit at home all day waiting for you and you are too busy with work to do anything with me!" "That's not fair!" If I don't work, we won't have any income and could end up homeless. I remain silent, shaking my head as Dom's frustration boils over as he shoves the dishes into the dishwasher in the kitchen. "I miss you, Lizzy." "You have a funny way of showing it, Dom." Dom calls after me. Tears well up in my eyes, and I decide to step away for a moment. Oh, come on Lizzy! Don't be like that!

I grab my suitcase from the hallway and head to the bedroom to unpack. How did everything work out? Did they like you? How was your trip?" I mutter to myself as I unpack. Suddenly, I hear the front door open and close. Tears run down my cheeks and I don't know how to get back the feelings I once had for Dominic. When he returns a few minutes later, I quickly dry my tears and pretend everything is fine. He apologizes for not being able to help, and I want to tell him that it doesn't matter, but it does matter, but instead I remain silent for a moment, searching for the right words to say. I suggest to him that instead of talking to me, he should talk to someone else, maybe to his parents."Sure, I can do that, but actually I was thinking of coming with you. It would be great to get some fresh air and meet new people." I give him a curious look. "But you don't have any knowledge about fashion." I almost said that it wouldn't work, but I held back. It could be a good start for him to reintegrate into society. 'Okay, you can come with me,' I say, surprised by my own words.

POV Dominic:

I remove the empty pizza boxes and replay my conversation with Lizzy in my head. She's right, but I feel like there's more between us than she's letting on, I feel like she's drifting away from me and I'm trying to keep her close, because without her I have nothing. My mind is racing as I walk outside to the dumpster. After throwing away the boxes, I take a moment to look around. Across the street, I notice a small clothing store and an idea comes to mind. I quickly take the elevator back up to the house. I find Lizzy in the bedroom with her suitcase. She quickly removes her hands from her face, revealing that she has been crying. When I ask her about it, she refuses to admit it.

I am surprised when Lizzy agrees to my idea, as I had expected her to think it was silly. I ask if I can give her a hug, and she agrees. However, the hug feels unnatural, and my uncertainty grows. I ask her how her trip was as I let go of her. She responds, 'Good. Alex and Logan are nice guys.' Upon hearing Logan's name, I notice my hand clenches into a fist. "When is your next appointment?' I ask her. 'I have no idea. The team will start making the shirt based on my design, and then I'll receive an email to schedule another appointment to see if I agree with how it turned out. She replies ' I nod and pretend to listen, but all I can think about is her and Logan together. Lizzy is beautiful. I feel lucky to have her by my side. However, I worry about others looking at her. I want to keep her for myself. "Dominic, are you listening?" "Sorry, what did you say?" "Are you sure you want to come along? It can be pretty boring." "Yes, I definitely want to go with you, Liz." "Okay, I'll let you know when I have more information. Is it okay if I work for another hour?" "Sure, do what you have to do." She slides her empty suitcase under the bed and grabs her laptop. Then, she walks out of the room.

I sit on the edge of the bed, trying to control my thoughts. I remind myself that it's her job and she's good at it. I try to calm down by telling myself that it's just work and that I'll be there next time. I also reassure myself that I'll show those guys that she has a boyfriend and they shouldn't try anything. I notice my hands shaking less and get up to make lunch. I want to show her that I still care. She probably won't expect me to cook for her. 

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