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POV Dominic:

Last night with a friend I went back to the neighborhood where I saw Lizzy drive, with binoculars we were able to look from a mountain into the house where she went inside and there I saw her that night with Logan, what I saw only made me angrier, so angry that even my friend started to get scared.

Weeks went by and I thought of all sorts of things to get Lizzy's attention, but none of them worked until one day I was out with friends and they came up with the idea of just making her jealous, if she could go out with someone else, why couldn't I? This was easier said than done because I was not looking for a new relationship and my group of friends consisted mostly of people I met online who did not live near me and were mostly guys. Reluctantly, I finally downloaded a dating app and have been swiping for days. One uglier than the other and nothing compared to Lizzy, clearly I am not over her yet.

Just as I'm about to give up and delete the app, I'm matched with a Stella, I decide to reply to her right away, and while I'm waiting for her reply, I look at her pictures again because I can't remember what she should look like. Looking at her profile I see that she has dark hair just like Lizzy, she has blue eyes which makes her face look very nice. I continue to look at her pictures and immediately understand why I chose her, in one of her pictures she has a disinterested look in her eyes that just appeals to me a lot, I take a screenshot of this picture to forward to a friend later.

 I continue to look at her pictures and immediately understand why I chose her, in one of her pictures she has a disinterested look in her eyes that just appeals to me a lot, I take a screenshot of this picture to forward to a friend later

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After a few minutes of waiting I get a message back from her and so I start talking to her. I leave out that I am not looking for a relationship at all and also that I live with my parents, until I meet her I will arrange something with friends or book a hotel stay. After all, she has to see that I like her or my plan will not work.

I grab my personal phone from my desk where I do my daily things and search for Lizzy's profile on various apps, as far as I can tell she hasn't unfollowed me on anything yet, her business account still follows me everywhere, I'll jokingly post something on my Instagram to see if she looks at my posts or stories.

POV Lizzy:

Sometime in the afternoon, when I get a notification from Instagram that Dominic has added something to his story, I look at the notification with a raised eyebrow, he never posts anything normally, but since we broke up he is suddenly much more active on his social media platforms. I swiped the notification away and went back to my work, I have to finish the last things for the clothing line for Texas that we are doing a photo shoot for at the end of the week.

I'm feeling a bit calmer these days and haven't heard from Dominic in a while, I've had a few girls nights out with Lily, something I've been missing myself due to my busy work schedule. My contact with Logan outside of work has also improved a bit, we went running in the park again and I posted this on my Instagram story. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Logan asks. "Yeah. I've seen Dominic move on, too, so why can't we?" I smile, feeling good for a while. "I'm thinking about going back to my own place, I have a bit more privacy there anyway and I can design my own clothes." "If you think that's best, you should do it." He hugs me and we walk to the exit of the park, and I look back in surprise to see a woman walking very much like me. "Did you see that?" Logan nods yes. "Could have been my twin sister." I shrug, not really wanting to pay too much attention to her. 

I am happy to finally be back in my own house, I am also happy that Logan wants to stay with me the first night, I had extra locks put on the inside of the door that I can put on when I go to bed or when I am busy working and even though I had the lock changed I am still afraid that someone might just get in. "Liz, what do you want to eat later?" I half close my laptop and shrug. "Anything, I'll settle for soup." I don't eat much lately, and when I do, I'm done with it in a few bites, and when I force myself to eat, I'm spitting it out a few hours later. "I'm not very hungry, and my stomach's been upset lately, so if you just want to make something for yourself, that's okay too." "You have to eat, Liz." "I know, but I'll get something myself, don't worry, I'll take care of myself today." I open my laptop again and continue what I was doing.

When I finish a few hours later, I sink into thoughts, what if I am alone later and Dominic comes over? What if everything I have with Logan suddenly falls away? Haven't I been too hard on Logan? I go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator door, take out a bottle of white wine and pour myself a big glass. I fall onto the couch and take a big sip, immediately I feel my panicky feeling subside, for a moment I look around and wonder where Logan is, quickly I take another sip and when I have completely calmed down I hear him in the bathroom.

Before I broke up with Dominic I used to drink for a while to help me deal with the situation we were in but eventually it led to more problems and I found it hard to get through the days without a drink, not wanting to fall back into the same habit I decide to wash my empty glass right away and put it away. I sit down on the couch and wait for Logan to come out of the bathroom. "Logan? Can I talk to you?" I ask as soon as I see him come back into the room. "Sure, is something wrong?" "Sorry if I was a little mean to you earlier." He raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean?" I explain and he laughs. "You're worrying about things that aren't there." I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder as he comes to sit beside me.

POV Logan:

Before I got in the shower I got another weird message saying that this was just the beginning and that they knew Lizzy was back home. I deleted the message and decided not to say anything to her about it, because I can tell from everything that she is still not completely comfortable in her own skin, despite her insistence that she is.

In the shower I hear her rummaging around in the kitchen, and after a while I notice that she has turned on the tap because the water around me is getting colder. I get out of the shower soon after and see that I have another message. We know you're with her. This time I also delete the message. I look for an option to block this type of message, but I can't find it.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the living room where Lizzy is sitting, something I don't really understand since there was nothing going on, I don't take her comment as a snarl but more with the underlying thought that maybe she's still stressed and needs to get used to being in her own house again. "You shouldn't worry so much. Do what you always do and let them see how well you're doing. I try to encourage her. She rests her head on my shoulder; it's quiet for a moment before she starts talking again. "Do you think we'll get better?" "Better as in?" "That this will work." I don't understand what she means. "Liz, you have to be a little bit clearer, because I don't understand what you mean. "I mean, aren't we moving too fast? With a relationship and work and everything coming together like this." I shrug. "Liz, like I said, you set the pace and I will do everything I can to show you that things can be different than what you are used to." I kiss her on the forehead and she smiles at me. 

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