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POV Logan:

Alex and I are on our way to the office to see our new shirt. I feel a little nervous about the day ahead, but I'm not sure why. This morning, I woke up with a feeling that something was going to happen, but I don't know what. It's a typical Wednesday afternoon, and I suppose I shouldn't worry too much. 'What are you thinking about?' Alex pokes my side and looks at me smiling. "I'm curious to see what's in store for us," he says. I smile uncomfortably. Alex shakes his head, and we walk into the building. We walk in silence to the marketing department, where we see Lizzy and James already waiting. Lizzy is standing with a tall man with blond hair and a goatee. He is wearing jeans, a white shirt and sneakers and he looks quite strong. I whisper to Alex, 'Who is that?' as we get closer. I study him intently. Alex replies, 'I wouldn't know. Maybe her boyfriend?' The man looks at me with an indescribable expression, giving me a bad feeling.

As I greet Lizzy and shake her hand, I notice him placing his hand on her shoulder. It becomes apparent that he is her boyfriend. Lizzy introduces him to us, and I feel his firm handshake, which is a bit too hard for my liking. Nonetheless, I smile and introduce myself. Lizzy asks if we are ready to see the new shirts, and we respond enthusiastically, 'Yes, let's see!' I feel Dominic's eyes burning on my skin. His presence creates an unpleasant atmosphere. We put on the new shirts, and they fit perfectly. Alex says, 'Lizzy, this is great!' I nod. She asks, "Is everything all right? Let me see. Lizzy walks up to us and runs her fingers along the edges of our shirts. I exchange a look with her boyfriend, who is standing there watching her walk around me. I feel my heart start to beat faster, but it is not because of Lizzy's touch.

After taking some pictures for our Instagram to announce the collaboration, Alex and I go out for lunch. "Do you think her boyfriend is intimidating?" I ask with a sigh. "He does, lucky I'm not the only one who thought it." We both laugh as we realize we're thinking the same "I don't know what it is about him, but he gives me a bad feeling. Alex nods, 'I know, he's been watching you, I've seen him do it. 'Is he watching me?' I ask, confused. I wouldn't know why, but I did notice that he likes to make it clear that he belongs to Lizzy.' We discuss Dominic further and acknowledge his peculiar behavior, but we assume there is a valid explanation for it.

POV Dominic:

Seeing her so close to other guys doesn't feel right. I keep an eye on Logan and study his posture. He doesn't look very confident. I see Lizzy slide her fingers along the collar of his shirt, and I grit my teeth together, not wanting to show that I don't find this acceptable at all. The day feels very long, and I am glad when the photo shoot is over. She asks me, 'How did you like it today?' as we walk out of the building. "I didn't expect you to have to work so closely with them," "What do you mean by 'close,' Dom?" she asked curiously. "I thought there would be other people coming to check the clothes, not that you were doing it yourself." I tried not to sound jealous, but Lizzy has known me too long for that. "Are you jealous?" she asked. "No, why would I be?" I replied. "Because I have to see if the clothes are right. How did you think they were being checked?" I should be able to see any issues with the seams of the shirt, don't I? "I understand the importance of your job and how it provides for us. But I wasn't a garmenter. I was just a security guard. Let's not argue about this. It would have been helpful if you had mentioned this earlier. Lizzy rolls her eyes but remains silent.

After Lizzy returns to Williams later that day, I decide to stay in the hotel room, feeling uneasy about her spending time with these guys at work. While scrolling on my mobile, I come across a picture of Williams Racing announcing a new partnership. I make an effort to be happy for her, but I am struggling to do so.

POV Lizzy:

Dominic spent the afternoon getting on my nerves. I found his behavior towards Logan odd, considering they didn't know each other. I'm glad he went back to the hotel, so I can work without distraction. As I walk back into the building, I see Logan in the hallway. 'Logan!' I call, wanting to apologize for Dominic's behavior. I couldn't have predicted his reaction. "Logan, wait a minute. I just wanted to apologize for Dominic's behavior. I don't know what's going on with him, but at least he didn't behave professionally." 'Nothing you can do about that either Lizzy, but thanks.' I would like to throw out everything that is on my heart. I don't know what it is with Logan, but since the beginning of our collaboration, I feel like he is the right person for me to talk to. 'Do you want coffee?' he asks before we have to get back to work. He's a great listener and I felt understood after a long time. Logan and I have a nice chat while he makes the coffee.

We smile at each other a few times while I take pictures of the new clothes. It's been a while since I've felt such a connection with someone. After work, I stay for a while and slowly pack up my belongings. Logan joins me briefly and asks, 'When will we see you again?' I shrug and reply, 'I have another meeting with James tomorrow to review the pictures and select the best ones. After that, I'm sure he'll schedule another date that I'll have to attend.' 'Okay, and otherwise?' I think I'll probably be at my first race in Hungary, if that's what you're asking." 'Will your boyfriend be going with you?' I am unsure how to answer that question as I have not given it much thought. "If I were to attend, I may bring my partner, unless he prefers not to come." Logan responds with a simple 'Hmm.' "Goodbye Logan.' I should leave now as I have plans to dine with my boyfriend. 'Goodbye Lizzy, see you tomorrow.' I quickly step outside and hail the first cab I see to take me to my hotel. In the cab I think about Logan's vague response to my suggestion that Dominic might join us in Hungary, but I decide not to dwell on it.

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