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Pov Logan: 

I crashed again during the race, my mind was not on what I should be doing and that is winning. I was doing pretty well at the beginning of the race, but I soon realized that I couldn't keep up the pace. When I hit the wall and had to take the hit, I was just glad it was over. When I got back to the pits, Lizzy came running up to me. "Give me a minute, okay?" I say more bluntly than I mean. I go into my dressing room and with a sigh take off my gloves and throw them in the corner of the room, I sit down and let my head sink into my hands.

"Did I do something wrong?" I am startled by Lizzy's voice, which sounds a little broken. "No, sorry, it's not your fault." She comes into my dressing room and sits down beside me. "Then what is it?" I search for the right words, but they are harder to find than I thought. I want to sugarcoat the story I'm about to tell, but I don't know how. "Liz, I need to tell you something." I say seriously and let a silence fall. "It hasn't stopped, has it?" I look at her in surprise when she says this, how does she know what I want to talk about? "Lily accidentally told me yesterday. Why didn't you say anything?" I shrug. "I was hoping it would stop if I didn't react, I didn't want to bother you now that you're feeling better." There is a moment of silence and I see Lizzy take her phone out of her pocket. "I got this message yesterday." She shows me the message I opened myself yesterday. "Who is Richard?" "An old friend of Dominic's, as far as I know they haven't spoken in months. I think he is here, probably for a business meeting." I don't understand anything anymore and listen to what Lizzy has to say about this Richard.

 Pov Dominic:

I made a deal with the realtor. At the end of the week I got a call that I could pick up the keys. I'm on my way to my new house with Willow. I don't really know why I'm still with her, since it didn't help to make Lizzy jealous, but it's always good to have someone who can do my chores. As long as she doesn't get in my way, I can keep her for a while.

I pull up to the driveway of the house and get out of the van I borrowed from a friend, I wanted to get into my house as soon as possible so I could move on. "Did you want to take the stuff right away or should we take a tour first?" Willow asks, who has also gotten out, "I don't want to wait for that slow, annoying tour, what's there to see? The house is empty anyway. "What do you want to see? The house is empty, just pick up a box so I can at least have cups for coffee. And speaking of coffee, the coffee maker should be in that box too, if you can just take care of that and put it down, then I'll get the other stuff." I see her roll her eyes, but she does as I ask.

When it gets dark I have most of my stuff in one place, a lot of my stuff was left at Lizzy's, which saves me a lot of trouble at the moment, tomorrow my couch and my washing machine will arrive and I don't need much else. I'm lying in bed, scrolling through the Internet, when I see an ad for a large bulletin board, I click on it and don't think for a second, I'm going to order that thing, it might come in handy in the future. Then suddenly I remember that I still have to find a way to get in touch with Richard, he hasn't answered his cell phone for a while now and he doesn't answer my messages either, maybe I should try my other cell phone, everything is anonymous there.

When I finally reach Richard the next day, I try not to get angry with him, he has sent a message to Lizzy, he seems to have seen her at a Grand Prix he visited recently. "Then send her another message and say you got the wrong number, say it had to go to a business associate who happens to have the same name." Richard can be so stupid sometimes, his hot-tempered and insinuating behavior is something I have always had trouble with. "You think she's stupid, Dominic? She knows I know you." "She also knows that we haven't spoken in months, she certainly doesn't know that you give me all the information about her and Logan." I roll my eyes at the mention of his name, never in my life have I disliked someone so much. After an hour-long conversation with Richard, he assured me that everything would be fine, I just had to promise him that I wouldn't go on with this for too long, of course I could say that easily, he didn't need to know everything either, as long as he continued to do his part of the job.  

Pov James: 

I'm sitting in my office looking at some reports from the past races, I don't see Logan making any progress, I doubt it was a good idea to take him out of F2 so early. I don't have much time to think about all this, I have a meeting with a Richard Hughes, something about computer software and why his company would be good for it. The purpose of this meeting is to improve our steering for the upcoming season, Richard Hughes seems to be a big name within these techniques, before I go to the meeting room I quickly check my mail. There have been some strange messages the last few days, mostly about Logan. As soon as I open the mailbox, I see another message from an anonymous email address. I hesitate for a moment to delete it, but decide to open it anyway.

'Be careful with your drivers, before you know it you will be missing one.'

I shake my head and delete the email without a second thought. Maybe Richard, who is so good at his job, has a solution for this too. I turn off my computer and leave my office. On my way to the conference room I bump into Lizzy and have a quick chat with her, complimenting her on her work, I have been very happy with her lately, but every time I talk to her I notice that she is always on her toes, I wonder what else is going on, maybe I should call her and Logan separately to ask about their relationship, I am still not completely happy with that either. 

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