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POV Dominic:

Without them noticing, I've been keeping an eye on Logan and Lizzy for a while now, that's why I haven't picked up my stuff yet, I'm looking for a reason to confront her with the fact that I was right about her cheating with Logan and that the end of our relationship has nothing to do with my mental and physical health, I can't believe it had to come to this, that I got arrested after seeing my girlfriend with another man and they wouldn't believe me in the store that I was really her boyfriend. I saw Lizzy and Logan running in the park a lot lately. I have been secretly taking pictures of them and sending them to her from time to time through an anonymous number, I get no response to them, but when I see her she is always on guard, especially when she is with Logan. I have seen the way she looks at him and it is the same way she used to look at me when she started to like me, the subtle little touches she makes with him are the way she used to seduce me. At this point I am sure that something has been going on between them for a long time, maybe she was in contact with him before she started her partnership with Williams Racing?  

Today I'm in the park again, I saw Lizzy leaving alone this morning. I walk by her apartment almost every day to see if she's home and if she's with Logan, I still can't stand the fact that she broke up with me and I want to know exactly what happened and why she left me in my most difficult time, when I needed her the most. I sit on a bench in the park and pretend to read the newspaper, I make it obvious that I'm there so she can't just walk by, or so I think. Unfortunately, in reality it's different, she comes running into the park and makes her normal rounds, I watch her from the edge of my newspaper, when I'm sure she's really alone, I close my newspaper and wait until she stops to drink water, she's already walked past me several times without noticing me. I approach her as if nothing had ever happened between us. "Lizzy?" I see her jump at the sound of my voice, she turns and takes an immediate step back. "Oh hi Dominic, what are you doing here?" "I was in the park and I thought I saw you but I wasn't sure, how are you?" I try to be as normal as possible with her but I can tell she is worried. "How nice to see you out again." Her voice is a little squeaky. "Yeah, I needed to get out anyway, I'll come and get my stuff sometime this week, will you be home this week?" I can see that she is thinking about her answer. "Yeah, I think so, I have some online appointments, but otherwise I don't have to go anywhere." I see her pulling the sleeve of her sweater a little uncomfortably, it is clear that she is uncomfortable, on the one hand I feel guilty, but on the other hand it is completely her own fault, if she had listened to me and not been so preoccupied with this Logan, we might still have been able to work it out. "I have to go again!" She says suddenly and without me being able to say anything else she puts her headphones back on and runs off, I look after her and immediately feel bad again.

POV Logan:

After being awake most of the night because I couldn't sleep thinking about Lizzy all the time and not knowing what to do about my feelings, I'm on my way to Alex today to ask him for advice. I pull my car into his driveway and get out. I sigh for a moment before I ring the doorbell and Lily opens it. "Oh Logan, hey." She sounds a little disappointed and I have to laugh. "Were you expecting someone else?" "Yeah, the mailman." She laughs. "But come on in, Alex is out in the yard." Lily lets me in and I go to the back where I find Alex sitting on his deck. "Good afternoon Logan! How's your vacation going so far?" "To be honest, it's not what I expected." "Why not?" Alex pushes back a chair and I sit down next to him and start telling my story. "So he attacked me in the middle of the store because I was helping Lizzy get groceries." "Gee, how intense." Lily has joined us and listens to my story with an open mouth. "But honestly, I don't know what to do, I'm kind of tied up with my feelings." Alex starts to laugh. "What's so funny?" "Not your type, right?" I laugh, remembering the words very well, or at least Alex makes sure I don't forget them. "I don't know what it is about her, but since I started talking to her it feels good and familiar, I can be myself with her. I just don't want to seem like I'm dragging her into a new relationship right away, I promised to show her how things can be done differently." "Then why don't you do that first? Show her you are different from her ex. Get to know her better. Find out what she likes to do. Alex's words are clear. "Give her gifts when she's not expecting it, personal things, believe me, girls love that, we all say we don't want flowers or other things, but believe me, when you give it, we're really happy about it," Lily adds. Lily adds.

After spending an afternoon with Alex and Lily I know what I want, I will do my best to win Lizzy over by showing her that things can be very different, I send her a message with some questions about her clothing size and hide it in such a way that it looks like I want to talk to her about her work. Once I have all the information I need, I order a dress and shoes for her online and have them delivered the next Friday morning, when I know she will be home. I make reservations at a nearby restaurant and make sure she doesn't miss anything.

POV Lizzy:  

I am startled from my work when I suddenly hear the doorbell, I immediately feel my heart racing, what if it is Dominic, I go to the front door and quickly look through the hole in the door to see who is standing there. I sigh with relief when I see the mailman at the door, I open it expecting to find a package for my neighbors. "Mrs. Ambrose?" "Yes, I am." I get the package in my hands and before I can ask anything the mailman leaves, I close the door and go into the kitchen with the package in my hand, I examine it before opening it but can't find anything strange about it and open it. The package contains a pair of silver heels and a long baby blue dress, the dress is beautiful and it looks like it is backless. With a raised eyebrow I take another look at the whole thing and then my eye catches the card that comes with it. I'll pick you up at 7. xoxo Logan. I grab my phone and check the time. Honestly, I wasn't planning on leaving today and I've been sitting in my pajamas all day working on my laptop, it's now 3:30, I quickly walk back to my office and save what I was working on and shut down.

I quickly shower, do my makeup and hair and then put on the dress and shoes Logan sent me, I look at myself in the mirror and for the first time in ages I feel beautiful again. I quickly grab a bag from my closet to match the outfit and then I am ready to go. I take a quick look at the full boxes of Dominic's clothes that are still in the room, for a moment the feeling of guilt returns and I have the idea that I am doing something wrong while I was the one who ended our relationship. I hope he will pick up his things soon so I can move on with my life and don't have to be reminded all the time. I'm startled by the bell again and check the time, it must be Logan, I didn't expect him to ring the bell since he has the key, but on the other hand I think there's something to it, my feelings for him have been very confused in the last few weeks, on the one hand I want to move on with my life after the breakup with Dominic, but I'm not sure if what I feel for Logan is possible since I have to work with him, I'm also afraid of jumping into another relationship with someone I don't really know that much about, that's what happened with me and Dominic at the time, at first he was very sweet and kind and I wanted to spend every minute of the day with him, but then there were many moments when I had my doubts if things would continue to go well. I take my house keys from the counter and walk to the front door, giving myself some courage to enjoy this evening and not think too much about Dominic, but to be happy that Logan is willing to make this effort for me.

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