Chapter One

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I've practically grown up in Bay Saint Lawrence, where even winter gives up and lets summer take over. I've become a living GPS, knowing every nook and cranny of this town. Those who've left? Well, they're as rare as a snowstorm in July, and the ones who stayed? They've planted themselves here like stubborn dandelions in a well-tended garden.

My family? Yep, you guessed it, we're part of the "stick around forever" club. My parents are town natives, and their parents were, too. Our family history is etched into the very bones of Bay Saint Lawrence, like a town time capsule.

As I pushed my hair away, a brisk ocean breeze smacked some sense into me. It's chilly, but it's the good kind of chilly you get down by the port. This is my go-to hideout, where I can be alone with my thoughts. It's not eerily silent, preventing me from falling into a daydream abyss, but it's also not a riot of noise. Just enough to let me ponder my next Instagram caption while keeping one foot in reality.

"Hey there," Jeremiah's voice broke through the rhythmic sounds of the busy port. He looked like a summer deity, sporting those looks that should come with a beach vacation package.

Jeremiah grinned, his perfect teeth flashing like a Hollywood smile. "Ready for another epic Grey's Anatomy session?"

I nodded, trying to act cool despite the internal fanfare. "You bet! Let's see if Meredith Grey can still outsmart those tricky medical cases."

We made our way to our cozy spot, a worn-out couch overlooking the picturesque port. It was our haven for countless binge-watching sessions and secret-sharing nights. As we settled in, I couldn't help but sneak a quick glance at Jeremiah. Seriously, how did puberty hit him like a wave of good luck?

Jeremiah had that effortless charm that turned heads, and I was no exception. His laid-back personality and genuine kindness had a way of making everyone feel like they were the star of the show. If life were a sitcom, he'd be the charismatic lead, and I'd be a side character that just stands in the background for decoration or to fill the stage.

We dove into Grey's Anatomy, our laughter and snarky comments filling the air. We debated which character was the most dramatic, whose love life was the most complicated, and which surgery was the biggest disaster. Jeremiah, ever the comedian, turned to me with a playful smirk. "If you were a surgeon, you'd be the one who corrects the mistakes of all the other doctors. You'd be a legend!"

I chuckled, the heat rising to my cheeks. "What? I am not April Kepner."

Jeremiah nudged me, his grin widening. "Seriously though, you're a walking encyclopedia. You could conquer any challenge you set your mind to."

I smirked, channeling my inner Grey's Anatomy character. "Well, who needs medical school when I've got Google and WebMD, right?"

Jeremiah's expression turned thoughtful, and he looked out far ahead, his gaze distant for a moment. "And what about you,? Have you thought about what to do after high school?"

I paused, meeting his eyes. Jeremiah's question had ignited a spark of curiosity in me. It was both thrilling and a little daunting, thinking about life beyond Bay Saint Lawrence. "I've thought about it," I replied. "I love this town, but sometimes, I wonder what's out there."

Jeremiah's eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned back on the couch, his hands tucked behind his head. "You know this town is like a comfy old pair of jeans. But sometimes, you've gotta try on some new styles to see what fits best."

I chuckled, savoring the analogy. "You've got a point there. I've worn these 'jeans' for so long; maybe it's time to explore the fashion rack of life."

Jeremiah grinned, clearly excited by the idea. "Exactly! Think of all the adventures waiting for us beyond Bay Saint. The world's our oyster, Lils."

The thought of adventure was tantalizing, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for our little town. "True, but there's something special about this place, too."

Jeremiah nodded in understanding. "You're right. Bay Saint will always be a part of us, no matter where life takes us."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink, we fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in our own thoughts. The port, now illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, felt like a familiar embrace, a reminder of the home we cherished.

After a while, Jeremiah broke the silence with a mischievous grin. "You know, if life were a Grey's Anatomy episode, we'd be the quirky sidekicks who have their own epic storyline."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, but let's hope our drama doesn't involve as many surgeries and near-death experiences."

Jeremiah chuckled, then turned thoughtful once again. "You know, we've got the whole summer ahead of us. Who says we can't have our own adventures right here in Bay Saint?"

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his suggestion. "What kind of adventures are you thinking?"

He leaned in closer, his eyes dancing with excitement. "Well, for starters, how about we finally uncover the secret behind Mrs. Higgins' legendary apple pie recipe? It's been the town's best-kept secret for ages."

I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. "Mrs. Higgins won't give up that recipe without a fight, you know."

Jeremiah shrugged, undeterred. "Challenge accepted. Plus, it'll be our own little summer mystery to solve."

I grinned, feeling a sense of excitement building. "Alright, let's do it. Operation Apple Pie Investigation, here we come!"

As we made plans to uncover Bay Saint's best apple pie, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of adventure and curiosity. Perhaps, in the cozy embrace of our hometown, we would discover that even the simplest of adventures could hold the sweetest surprises.

With the promise of a memorable summer ahead and a friendship that felt as timeless as the town itself, Jeremiah and I settled in to enjoy the rest of our Grey's Anatomy marathon, knowing that the future held a world of possibilities, both within and beyond the borders of Bay Saint Lawrence.


Here are my character references!

1. Lily Chen - of course, Asian. Gotta love what we are. 


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2. Jeremiah Campbell - The dude has been in the ocean for so long, so I have to give him some sun-kissed hair and freckles.

 Jeremiah Campbell - The dude has been in the ocean for so long, so I have to give him some sun-kissed hair and freckles

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