Chapter Thirteen

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She was like an unwelcome guest who had overstayed her welcome, her presence clinging to Oliver like a stubborn shadow.  No matter where I turned, there she was, attached to him like a barnacle to a ship's hull.

I narrowed my eyes, pretending to shield them from the sun's glare, though my real intention was to keep a discreet watch over Oliver and Ashley. They sat together, wrapped up in their own world, radiating an almost unbearable level of affection. It was enough to make anyone feel uneasy- it's making me uneasy. Ashley's actions were unmistakable, her flirtatious touches on Oliver's chest, arms, and hands making it clear she had no intention of holding back.

"You're going to knock her lights out," Jeremiah whispered, catching me in the act of staring. My cheeks burned with embarrassment at getting caught.

"I don't understand what he sees in her," Rose chimed in with a disdainful tone, echoing my own sentiments. She said it with the same contemptuous tone I would have used if I'd had the courage.

Jeremiah hesitated briefly before saying, "Well, she used to be... sweet."

Rose seized the opportunity to tease, her mischievous grin aimed at me. "And you liked that?" I cleared my throat awkwardly, feeling the heat of embarrassment creep up my neck.

Ever since the night Jeremiah and I kissed, things had become strained between us. I walked on eggshells around him, hyper-aware that every gesture or word could be misconstrued. It wasn't just me; Jeremiah and I spent less and less time together. But he seemed less affected, confused, or concerned about Ashley's return.

I knew he'd moved on with Ashley, but I couldn't fathom being in the same room with someone I'd previously dated. The thought of it filled me with unease, a testament to my inexperience in such matters.

Jeremiah's confession broke the silence. "I used to," he admitted, "but I think she changed when her parents went through their divorce."

Rose didn't mince words. "That's no excuse to act like a bitch."

I couldn't help but sneak another glance at Oliver and Ashley. Ashley proudly flaunted her flawless beach body with unbridled confidence, donning a red-dotted bikini with a cute ribbon accent. She looked like a model, her golden hair shimmering in the sun, elevating her allure. In stark contrast, I wore a plain tee, my hair was a tangled mess, and my skin was pallid. Standing next to her, I'd appear like a shadowy figure, which ignited a pang of jealousy at how perfect she looked beside Oliver.

With a heavy sigh, I rose from my spot, determined to escape the uncomfortable sight. "Where are you going?" Rose questioned as I started packing my things.

"Home," I replied, "I can't bear to watch them anymore."

Jeremiah also got up, joining me. "I'll walk you back."

Rose, ever the flirt, added, "I'll stay for a few more minutes. I see someone hot."

Ignoring her jest, I left with Jeremiah, his gentle smile a comforting presence. Jeremiah was the embodiment of sweetness, and his confession weighed on my conscience.

I'd always believed Jeremiah was the right choice, someone I could grow to love. He was the most caring, hardworking, and deserving person, yet I couldn't seem to muster the affection he deserved.

Jeremiah broke the silence, offering some reassurance. "It won't last long," he commented, sensing my preoccupation as we walked back to the inn, "Knowing Ashley, she'll grow tired of Oliver sooner or later."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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