Chapter Twelve

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Three days had passed since I last saw Oliver. He left immediately after that, and since then, I'd been a mess. I wasn't exactly heartbroken, but there was definitely pain, and it felt like my world was crashing down, even though we hadn't officially started anything. I mentally scolded myself for letting that kiss happen; it should never have gone down like that, and now I felt like I'd ruined everything.

Mr. and Mrs. St. James were still engrossed in their charity work, hardly around the inn most of the time. My mind was constantly occupied with thoughts of Oliver. I was so consumed by the idea that if something happened to him, I'd never forgive myself.

"Stop it," Rose said, tapping the table to get my attention as it drifted again to Oliver much like what I've been doing for the last three days. Of course, I told Rose about everything, the confession, the kiss with Jeremiah, and their fight. She's my sister and she'll know what to do. 

"Oliver's a big boy. He can take care of himself," she reassured me. 

I gave him a weak smile. "True, but I can't shake this guilt. I wish I could talk to him, explain things," I murmured, my fingers tracing patterns on the tablecloth.

As if the universe decided to intervene, the door to the inn chimed, and there he was—Oliver. I froze, my heart doing somersaults in my chest.

He looked worn, and tired, like he'd been through a storm. Dark circles adorned his eyes, suggesting sleepless nights. When he caught sight of me, his expression shifted from surprise to a mix of emotions—hurt, confusion, and something I couldn't quite place.

"Oliver," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I saw another person standing behind him. She was holding a luggage and a bag to go: Ashley. 

I looked at Oliver, concern turned to question. When nothing was said between us, Rose was quick to break the silence.

"Hi," She said in her welcoming voice to Ashley whom she had never met before, "Welcome to our humble inn."

Ashley gave her a snarky smile. "I need a room and a bellboy if you have, to carry my luggage."

Rose gave me a knowing look, one that would mean that she was about to give this girl an attitude if need be. Rose certainly isn't one to back down if you cross her.

"Of course," Rose replied with a sweet smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "We have a room available, and Lily here can certainly help with your luggage."

I gave Rose an exasperated look before turning my attention to Ashley, trying to keep my composure. "Sure, I'll show you to your room."

Ashley merely shrugged, as if she was completely uninterested in our inn's hospitality. "Lead the way then." As I led Ashley to her room, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Oliver, who was still standing there, his expression a mix of guilt and uncertainty.

I have so many questions running in my mind. What are they doing together? Were they together? Why is she here? Where has he been for the past three days?

I held the door open for Ashley as we reached her door with all these thoughts running through my mind. I'm still trying to maintain a polite demeanor despite her attitude. She walked in without so much as a thank you, making it abundantly clear that she had no intention of being pleasant.

"Here's your room," I said, forcing a smile. "If you need anything else, feel free to let us know."

Ashley glanced around the room, her critical eyes taking in every detail. "It's rather... quaint, isn't it?"

I bit my tongue, refusing to let her get under my skin. "We like to think of it as cozy and charming."

She scoffed, making herself comfortable on the bed. "Well, it's not exactly what I'm used to, but I suppose it'll have to do."

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