Chapter Two

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Summer in Bay Saint is always scorching hot. Even though it's windy because we're near the ocean, you can always feel the hot sun. That's why many locals and foreigners never miss going to the beach during the summer.

The sand shined, almost like golden, and stretched as far as the eye could see. Locals gathered with their own colorful umbrellas and beach towels laid in the sun. Families built sandcastles with children's playing all day, while surfers rode the waves with grace and skills.

Summer is when this small town truly came alive. The local business thrived, from restaurants that offered good and fresh seafood caught just hours before being served, to cozy bed and breakfasts that welcomed tourists. Some locals, like us, opened their homes to visitors, as during this season almost everywhere is booked. The guests would become part of the family, sharing stories and laughter along the warm summer nights.

The sun was streaming through my lace-curtained window. It was a perfect summer morning, and the scent of Mama's freshly baked muffins and brewing coffee could be smelt through the air. Which only signals one thing: We're gonna be having guests.

Bay Saint Haven Inn

That's the name of the Family's Bed and Breakfast that my Mama took over from Granpa's. I sat at my sofa which was overlooking the sea, surrounded by stacks of books. The morning light danced on the pages of the novel I was engrossed in, but I had barely moved past the same page for what felt like hours. I could already hear laughter and conversations from downstairs, which meant that Granma and Granpa were already here to help Mama and Dad to open the inn, making me feel guilty for my self-imposed exile.

Just then, my bedroom door swung open, and my mother entered with a tray of fresh muffins and a pot of coffee in her hands. Her dark eyes, usually soft and kind, gave me a stern look of disapproval.

"Lily, how many times have I told you not to bury your nose in the books all day?" she scolded, her tone laced with concern.

I sighed and reluctantly marked my place in the book and put it down, looking up at her. "Mama, it's not all day. I just wanted to read a few chapters and couldn't put it down.

Her expression softened, and she placed the tray of muffins on the table. "I know you love reading so much but you can't spend the entire summer cooped up in your room. And we have a lot of guests coming. We need all the hands we can get this summer, okay?"

I nodded, feeling a little guilt for not being more present. "I know, Mama. I'll try to help out as much as possible."

"Oh, and tell Jeremiah, he can start working tomorrow." My mother said.

With Jeremiah's dad being away during this summer, Jeremiah's going to be spending his summer working in the inn. Of course, my Mama and Dad liked the idea of having another help other than me they even let him have the room next to me without second thoughts that they have a teenage daughter in the house.

Of course, they knew about my little crush but because we practically grew up together they didn't think that it was weird at all. If anything's weird it's me. I'm the problem.

I couldn't help but blush at the mention of Jeremiah. It seemed like my feelings for him were no secret to my family, and Mama's smile held a mischievous glint in her eyes as she kissed my forehead.

"Mama, it's not like that," I protested weakly, though the heat in my cheeks betrayed me.

She chuckled softly. "Lily, dear, it's perfectly normal to have a close friend like Jeremiah. Just make sure you both behave while he's staying here for the summer."

I nodded, my heart doing somersaults in my chest. "Ma, we're just friends."

Mama's laughter floated back to me as she retreated from my room, leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions. "Just friends," I repeated to myself.

Finding LilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora