Chapter Five

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Dinner was rather difficult. I had asked Mama for some medicine as I was having difficulty digesting the food after all that drama. Neither Oliver nor Jeremiah were seen after that dinner feud, probably in their own rooms cooling off. I stayed after dinner, helping Mama and Dad clean up and wash the dishes. I also need to wash a few sheets and towels for some checked-in guests, so I'm pretty swamped with chores after dinner. 

Thankfully, the laundry chores meant I could hide out in the laundry room with a book in hand a leftover slice of blueberry cheesecake that Mama made. 

I was engrossed in my book, lost in the world of its pages when I heard a soft knock on the door of the laundry room. Startled, I closed the book and set it aside, wondering who could be seeking me out in this tucked-away corner of the inn.

"Come in, "I called out, my voice cautious.

The door creaked open, and to my surprise, it was Oliver who stepped inside. His expression was no longer tense like it had been at dinner, but rather, it held a sense of regret and uncertainty.

"Hey," he said, voice soft. "I wanted to talk to you if that's okay."

I nodded, though I couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. "Sure."

Just as Oliver was about to speak, the laundry room door swung open, and Jeremiah entered his expression stern.

"Oliver," Jeremiah interjected, his voice firm. "We need to talk outside."

Oliver looked taken aback but didn't argue. He turned to me with a conflicted expression. "Can we continue this conversation later, Lily?"

I nodded, my curiosity and anxiety growing. "Of course."

Oliver followed Jeremiah out of the laundry room, leaving me alone once again, bewildered by the unexpected interruption. What could Jeremiah and Oliver possibly need to discuss outside?


p o i n t   o f   v i e w


There's no denying it. Oliver's constant attempt at getting close to Lily gnawed at me like a persistent itch that I couldn't scratch. Oliver's presence had brought an unspoken rivalry between us and I couldn't help but feel the weight of his interest in Lily.

After dinner, I straight away went to my room, determined to give Lily and the others some space after that bickering. I couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that had surged within me during their exchange. Lily and I had always been close, practically inseparable since childhood, and now there was someone else vying for her attention. 

I had heard snippets of their conversation during dinner, and it only fueled my frustration. Oliver's smooth charm and attempts to flirt with Lily had been hard to ignore. It was as if he was trying to win her over and I couldn't let that happen without a fight. 

With a heavy sigh, I decided to leave my room and take a walk outside to clear my head, The cool evening air was a welcome relief, and I wandered aimlessly through the inn's garden, lost in my thoughts. 

As I strolled, my mind kept returning to Lily. She was the most important person in my life, and I couldn't bear the thought of sharing her with someone like Oliver. But I couldn't deny the bond they seemed to share, even if it was just friendship. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw the door to the laundry room at the back of the inn slightly opened and I saw Oliver standing in the doorway, his back to me. The sight of him only fueled my irritation. 

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