Chapter Eight

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Rose woke me up earlier than I wanted to be, her excitement evident in her sparkling eyes and the way she practically bounced on the edge of my bed. She had been missing the beach and had been whining all morning for me to go with her.

"Lily, come on! It's such a beautiful morning, and the water is calling our names," she urged, pulling at my blankets and trying to yank me out of bed.

I groaned, burying my face in my pillow. "You're not Moana."

She laughed, undeterred by my reluctance. "Hey, I'm only here for a short while. Come, spend time with me. Once you go out with Oliver or," she emphasized, "Jeremiah, you won't be having any more time with me." She winked mischievously.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her antics. "You and your matchmaking schemes. Fine, I'll get up."

Rose clapped her hands in triumph as I begrudgingly threw off my blankets and reluctantly got out of bed. It was hard to stay annoyed with her for long, especially when her enthusiasm was so infectious. I grabbed the one on my nightstand to bring, just to keep me company while she swam and headed outside. 

As we made our way to the beach, the warm sand beneath our feet and the sound of the waves crashing in the distance, I couldn't help but appreciate the beauty of the morning. Perhaps a day at the beach with Rose was just what I needed to clear my mind after what had Oliver confessed last night. 

Rose spread out the beach towels and set up the umbrella, her effortless movement showed the confidence she had in her beach preparations. She had removed her cover-up, revealing a tiny bikini underneath, and I couldn't help but watch her jealousy. 

Although we're sisters, it was evident that we looked nothing alike. Rose seemed perfectly molded, with a flawless body and undeniable intelligence. It was all too easy for others to compare us, and the contrast sometimes left me feeling overshadowed. 

Rose caught me staring and flashed me a knowing grin. "Come on, Lilianne. You're not getting away with an oversized T-shirt this time. We're at the beach, at least wear something to show some skin."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her persistence. "You know you're gonna give Dad a heart attack at that," I said pointing at her bikini.

Rose chuckled, her confidence unwavering. "Oh, Dad will survive. Besides, it's not like I'm wearing a thong or anything."

I shook my head, amused by her nonchalant attitude. We settled onto our beach towels, the warm sand a comforting cushion beneath us. The sound of waves crashing against the shore was soothing, and a gentle breeze played with our hair.

Rose reclined comfortably, her sunglasses perched atop her head. "You see, Lilianne, this is what summer is all about. Relaxing by the beach, getting some sun, and, who knows, maybe even meeting someone interesting."

I chuckled, knowing her penchant for matchmaking. "You and your matchmaking schemes. Let's just enjoy the day, okay?"

She grinned mischievously. "Fine, but if a cute guy happens to walk by, don't be shy. Say hello!" 

Just then a couple of guys whose probably around her age walked by and she gave them a wave and a flirtatious look.  I couldn't help but laugh at Rose's boldness as she waved at the passing guys. They glanced in our direction and returned the greeting with friendly smiles, clearly charmed by her.

"See," Rose said with a playful nudge, "opportunities are everywhere! Keep an open mind."

I chuckled, feeling grateful for her infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, I'll keep that in mind."

I couldn't help but deny that spending time at the beach with my sister was exactly what I needed. I helped Rose apply tanning lotion as she wanted to achieve a sun-kissed glow and she plopped on her back. I, on the other hand, enjoyed a few moments reading my book. I was so engrossed with my book that I hadn't noticed Jeremiah, who had sat down beside me, looking stressed and tired. 

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