Chapter 5

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"Hey baby, sorry I'm late.  Work just wouldn't end," a soft masculine voice said close to her ear, sending shivers down her spine as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind.

The chest she was pulled back against was rock hard; the arms pulling her close, well muscled. And the tingles.. they manifested everywhere he touched her, pleasantly arousing her.

Wait, what?  Jenna pulled her mind out of the gutter,  quickly realizing that somehow, whoever had their arms wrapped around her had overheard her lies to the other man, and she needed to play along.  

She placed her hands over his and smiled as the tingling intensified.  "I thought you'd never get here." 

The drunk man stared at them both for a long moment, his gaze moving from Jenna to the man who held her in his arms.  Her new “boyfriend”  buried his face in her neck, kissing her gently.

Desire shot through Jenna hard and fast, and she almost moaned.  The tingles sharply intensified from the spot his lips touched and all she wanted to do was turn around, kiss him and find out how deeply those tingles could affect her.

I have to be losing my mind, she thought.  Get it together, Jenna. You're turned on by a man whose face you haven’t even seen.

Finally, the drunk seemed to get the hint, and turned to walk away.   Her “boyfriend” kept his arms around her as they watched him go. He stopped and looked back at the couple before finally disappearing.

Once he was gone, Jenna relaxed for a second, before tensing up again.  She hoped she hadn't jumped straight from the frying pan into the fire.  She turned around to thank her “boyfriend” and was shocked to see the man she’d locked gazes with on the first level a bit ago.  Her world tilted again as she stared into his beautiful blue eyes. 

His hands still lingered on her waist while they stared at each other.  He was even more beautiful up close.   His hair was dark and a bit wavy, longer on top and very short on the sides. His face had hard planes, and was covered with just a bit of stubble. Her eyes traveled down to his full lips, and Jenna sucked in a small breath, remembering the feel of them on her neck.  Desire shot through her again.  “Thank you,”  she said softly, unable to look away from his mesmerizing gaze.

He smiled at her, his face lighting up before he reached up, and gently cupped her check.  Feelings of comfort and security ran through her, and Jenna stared back at him, entranced.  She was safe with him.  She didn’t know how she knew it, but she did. 

He leaned in closer, and for a moment, Jenna hoped he might kiss her again, but instead his lips brushed her ear.  "You're welcome. Would you like another drink?"

She flashed a smile at him, feeling a bit disappointed, but nodded.  His hand traveled down her arm, leaving tingles in its wake, and he took her small hand in his large one.  He led her back to the walkway, never letting her go.  The tingles from his touch were magic, and Jenna could barely take her eyes off of him.  He, too, kept glancing at her, a smile plastered on his sinfully handsome face.  He stopped at the bar, and ordered drinks.

Jenna took the moment to spend some more time admiring him, her new favorite pastime.  He wore a dark t-shirt, jeans and black dress shoes.  Simple, but she could tell his clothes were expensive.  His brown hair was styled to perfection and he had just the right amount of stubble on his jaw.

She imagined him rubbing that jaw across the inside of her thigh, and desire surged through her again.  He suddenly glanced back at her, and Jenna blushed, shocked at where her traitorous thoughts had gone, and wondered if he could read them.

Was that a werewolf trait? It better not be.  Jenna knew Talia said that werewolves could communicate telepathically.  Oh boy.  She hoped he hadn’t read her mind.  She could feel herself turning into a tomato.    But then again, Talia had never said anything about being able to read her mind.  Unless she had just conveniently omitted that small bit of information.  She made a mental note to ask Talia later. 

The bartender sat two shot glasses and a margarita in front of her mysterious date.  He handed her a one hundred dollar bill, before picking up the margarita, and turning back to Jenna.  She smiled as she took it from him, mouthing a thank you, and he returned her smile before picking up the two shot glasses and downing them in quick succession.  He placed the empty glasses back on the bar.

She was relieved he hadn't offered either of the shots to her.  He had to be aware she was human, and she was about ninety-five percent sure he was a wolf.  It made her relax a bit more that he wasn’t trying to take advantage of her.

He took her hand again, and they began to walk back the way they had come, Jenna sipping her margarita, and completely aware of the pleasurable tingles traveling up her arm from his touch.  She’d never touched a male werewolf before.  Were the tingles a thing with the opposite sex?  She really had a lot of questions to ask her roommate later. Too bad she couldn't mindlink Talia now..

He finally stopped at a booth with a closed curtain, and pushed it aside, glancing inside, before pulling her in behind him.  The booth was empty.  Jenna followed him in, suddenly feeling a bit apprehensive. She was all but alone with him.    

He let the curtain fall back into place, drowning out some of the music and noise, then turned towards her and brought her hand up to his lips. 

She gasped softly as the tingles intensified. He lowered her hand and stepped closer.  "What's your name?"

He had a slight accent she noticed, wondering where he was from.  He almost sounded British and she found it incredibly sexy.  She swallowed and licked her lips, watching his gaze briefly drop to her mouth. "Jenna.  And yours?"

He flashed her a brilliant smile. The man was dazzlingly beautiful. "Daniel."  He took a step closer.  "Jenna, may I kiss you?"

His politeness caught her off guard, but she returned his smile.  Um, yes please!  "I was disappointed you didn't earlier," she said, stepping closer, and placing her drink on a nearby table.

He smirked and placed his arms around her, pulling her up against his chest. Jenna rested her hands on it, feeling his muscles quiver slightly at her touch. The tingles danced between them again causing her to shiver with delight as she looked into his gorgeous blue eyes.  

His lips came down on hers, and a rush of pleasure ran through her as he kissed her gently.  His tongue traced her lips, and she opened her mouth to him, allowing him to deepen the kiss. His hand moved up her bare back, pulling her even closer to him. 

Jenna’s head was spinning.  She’d been kissed before, but never like this.  Her body was responding to him as though he was touching her all over, even though he just had a hand on her back and one on her waist.  She wanted to wrap her legs around him and rub herself all over him.  She moaned into his mouth, her body on fire.

"Sir?  Sir!"

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now