Chapter 57

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Jenna and Daniel left the apartment with Noelle. The pack had box trucks for moving, and they took one, first to the diner so Jenna could quit her job, then on to her home where her father was waiting with lunch. She could tell he had missed Noelle quite a bit.

"Growing like a weed," he'd said, cuddling her in his arms.

Daniel had discussed security of the house with him, and Jenna wasn't surprised that her father had already been thinking about it. Mitch was a little upset that the wolves had gotten a jump on the old Marine. Daniel told him it would be easy for them to extend the perimeter of their lands and security to include his land as well given that the property was right up against pack lands. "You'll know if a squirrel moves on your property."

Mitch had smiled at that. He likes the idea of being able to know if danger was approaching. Plus, if Jenna and Noelle were here, they'd be safe.

"Daddy, there's something I need to tell you that I don't think you're going to like, but I've made up my mind. This isn't a decision I just made, it's something I've been thinking about for three years now, though I never knew it was possible until a few days ago." Jenna took a deep breath, hoping her father wouldn't be furious with her. "I'm going to become a werewolf."

Mitch's eyebrows shot up and his mouth dropped open. "I didn't know that was possible." He looked at Daniel.

"It's not. Unless you are King." Daniel smiled at him. "She'll also be immortal as long as she's in my pack."

Mitch's eyebrows shot up even further. "And Noelle?"

"Her too."

"I'm not sure what your mother would have thought about this, Jenna, but knowing what I know about werewolves, and after what happened this week, I'd prefer it." He looked at Daniel. "What about Tyler?"

"I haven't spoken to him or Charity, but if he wants to turn, I'll turn him too." Daniel told him.

"He's coming home today," Mitch told him. "Nick agreed to take over the Virginia pack, and Tyler has to go back to work Monday. He couldn't get a flight tomorrow."

"I could send my plane to get him," Daniel offered.

Mitch shook his head, glancing at his watch. "He'll be landing soon. Plane took off an hour ago."

Daniel glanced around the house. "If Tyler wants to turn, I'd imagine he will come to live in my pack house. Mitch, you're more than welcome to come live there too."

Mitch sat back in his seat, surprised by Daniel's offer. "I wouldn't want to intrude."

"You wouldn't be. You'd have your own apartment, but you'd also be surrounded by my pack. We generally eat together, and do other things together. And you could work with my security team if you'd like."

"I'll think about it," he conceded. "Jonah doesn't come home much, and I think Michael is going to move out. If Tyler moves in with Charity, I'll be here by myself."

"Jonah is welcome to visit. Your apartment will have three rooms, so he could have one if he wanted. And Michael."

Mitch nodded, thinking. "How would your pack feel about having a human living there?"

"It wouldn't be the first time. My mother was human when she first came to the pack and there have been others. But if you ever decided to become a werewolf, I would be willing to turn you," Daniel told him.

Mitch's eyebrows shot up again as he studied the man who had stolen his daughter's heart. His generosity to someone he had just met, and who had actively prevented him from reconnecting with Jenna, spoke volumes of his love for her. "I'll think about it," he repeated though he was already leaning towards saying yes. This big house was going to be so empty without Tyler and Jenna. Plus he wanted to see Noelle as much as possible.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora