Chapter 19

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"Jenna, are you pregnant?"

It took a full moment for Tyler's words to register as Jenna stared at her book in shock. She'd put her mother to bed an hour ago, and had escaped to her room and a good book so she could keep her obsessed mind off of Daniel for a few hours.

No matter what she did, she couldn't seem to forget about him, and the pain of being separated from him never seemed to ease. In fact it did the opposite, the heartache growing worse as the days went by. She tried her best to put on a happy face around her family, but she knew they were concerned about her.

She couldn't fathom how she'd managed to fall so hard for someone she'd only spent a night with, but he had consumed her thoughts for the last few months.

Jenna spent most of her free time reading to distract herself from Daniel and was considering getting a job. She'd barely left the house since she'd arrived in Pennsylvania, but now that her mother was doing so much better, a job wouldn't be unreasonable. She'd need a car though, and a phone.

But now, Daniel was shoved to the forefront as Tyler stood in the doorway of her bedroom judging her with a critical eye.

"No!" Denial was of course the first thing that popped out of her mouth, before she had any time to think about it. When had she last gotten her period? Not since she'd been home, she realized. She'd been so busy with her mother, she'd never given it any thought. "I don't know," she admitted.

"Come in my room and let me draw your blood. We'll find out," Tyler reached a hand out to her and Jenna took it, standing up. He gave her a quick hug, then led her to his room.

Jenna's mind was racing as she thought back over the past few months. She'd never been sick. There were mornings she'd felt nauseous, but she'd always attributed it to thoughts of losing her mother and missing Daniel so desperately. She'd been tired too, but she had also attributed that to her mother's care. Some nights she was thankful she'd been too tired to lay in bed and think.

Tyler grabbed his blood draw kit off of his desk and brought it over to the bed. "Sit," he told Jenna. "Have you been with anyone since you came back from New York?" he asked quietly.

Jenna gave him an exasperated look. "When have I had time?"

He shrugged and opened the box. "I don't know. Maybe you're sneaking out at night," he joked. Tyler knew she wasn't, but he was also trying to lighten the mood. He pulled out a tourniquet, gauze, gloves, a needle, a tube and tube holder. He screwed the tube holder on the back of the needle. "Hold out your arm."

Jenna held her arm out for him and watched him tie off a tourniquet then gently palpate it with his fingers. If she was pregnant, it was Daniel's baby. He was the only man she'd ever been with, and at the rate she was going, the only man she might ever be with. Which meant her child would be half werewolf. She groaned internally. How she wished she still had Talia's number.

Tyler cleaned her arm then slipped the needle in her vein with ease. He pushed a tube into the tube holder and Jenna watched her blood fill up the tube. He pulled the tube out, freed the tourniquet from her arm, and then removed the needle, immediately covering the spot with a cotton ball.

"I'll take this to work with me tomorrow. If you're pregnant, you need to be on prenatal vitamins," Tyler said as he cleaned up.

"Okay." Jenna watched him quietly. "Tyler, why did you think I was pregnant?"

"Pregnant women have a certain look, Jenna," he smiled at her. "You have that look."

"The look of a tired pigeon?" She muttered, looking at herself in the mirror.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now