Chapter 50

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Daniel followed Jenna into her room and breathed in deeply, relishing in the scent of his mate and pup. A queen sized bed was on one wall, and a crib was against another. White furniture was placed around the room, and a rocking chair sat near a large window. He could visualize a very pregnant Jenna rocking her unborn pup.

He sat Noelle's car seat down. "Alright. Show me how to free her from this contraption."

She smiled and unbuckled Noelle, before pulling the baby out. "I need to bathe her before I put her down. It would just make me feel better. And I need to feed her."


She walked into the bathroom and turned back when Daniel didn't follow her. "You can come in."

She handed Noelle to him as soon as he walked in, then began to prepare for her bath. "I thought you died," she whispered, the tears starting to stream down her cheeks again. She rubbed them away. She was so tired of crying.

"I did."

His simple statement had her turning around and staring at him in shock. "What?

"For about 30 seconds, my heart stopped beating. Then it started up again and I had to lay there for a few moments while my body healed. The only thing I could really hear were your sobs, and it was painful to lay there knowing I was the reason you were crying like that," He said sadly, his body swaying back and forth as he held his pup safely in his arms.

"I don't understand," What did he mean, he died?  How was that possible?

"My pack has been gifted with immortality. We stay immortal as long as we stay in the pack. As soon as we leave, our aging resumes like normal. That's why my parents look as young as they do. They're not ready to walk away yet," Daniel watched her face. He could feel her confusion some, but mostly her mental exhaustion. He was surprised she'd brought the subject up tonight when he knew she was as tired as she was.

"So, how old are you then?" She asked, wiping at her eyes tiredly. She leaned back against the counter and folded her arms across her chest.

"Three hundred fifty four on my last birthday," he murmured, laying Noelle out on the towel.

Jenna's eyes almost popped out of her head at his words. "And all of this time, you've never had a mate?"

"No," he replied, smiling as Noelle gripped his finger in her fist.

"So what does this mean for us?" She turned to her baby and began to slip off her clothes, then she glanced back at him and frowned. "And why didn't you tell me before? Save me some of the worry."

"I didn't tell you because Jason could sense your emotions, and if you had gone into that situation completely relaxed knowing he couldn't kill me, he would have known something was up. I let him kill me because I needed to see how his pack reacted. Charity already knew things weren't right, but we wanted to judge what sort of resistance we'd be up against. I'm so sorry, Jenna, that I did that to you. It was cruel," He resisted the urge to reach out and touch her. He could feel her anger, but to his surprise, it died.

She picked up a soft cloth and began to wash Noelle off. "I'm still annoyed with you for doing that to me, but I understand why. I saw the hopelessness in their eyes. Though I hated that they cheered at your death," she brushed at another tear.

"They weren't cheering for my death, Jenna. They were cheering when I got up and killed Jason," he told her quietly.

She glanced at him, and sighed before turning her attention back to Noelle. "So if I become a werewolf, will I be immortal as well?"

"Yes, as long as you're in my pack," Daniel said.

Jenna was quiet as she dried Noelle off, then began dressing her. If she stayed human, she would start to age, while Daniel would remain the same. Eventually, she would die and leave him alone. The thought broke her heart. "What about Noelle?" She picked up her baby and cuddled her close.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now