Chapter 54

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Jenna wrapped her arms around herself as she walked back out and settled down in the chair. She felt a bit bad that she had unloaded like that on him, making it sound like it was all bad. But it wasn't. This week had a mixture of both and she was just overwhelmed by how quickly everything was happening. Six days ago, she hadn't thought she would see Daniel again and now she was sitting in his bedroom.

She leaned back, and her gaze traveled over to Noelle. She loved her baby dearly and wasn't sure how she was going to return to work. She was actually glad to be quitting. She'd be uneasy if she was away from her for too long.

Lavender permeated the air and Daniel appeared in the bathroom doorway. He stood leaning against the door frame, looking at her, his muscled arms crossed over his broad chest. "Your bath awaits."

She stood and headed over towards him, and he walked into the bathroom ahead of her. The tub had been filled, and he'd added lavender bubble bath. The lights were off, and several candles had been lit, casting a soft glow. She turned to him. "Thank you."

He nodded and turned to leave and give her privacy.

Jenna took a small breath. "Daniel?"

He turned back to her.

"Join me?"

His eyes glowed briefly and he stepped towards her. "Are you sure?"

She bit her lip and nodded. "I need you to keep me calm."


"Please leave the door open, I need to hear..."

Daniel felt her fear again and nodded. He knew she didn't really want more than just comfort from him right now, and he was okay with it. The mood she'd been in earlier before Noelle had interrupted them was long gone. But he also needed to reassure her.

"Jenna, you know my hearing is above a humans, right?"

She nodded.

"Also, this place has very tight security. And I don't just mean the house, I mean our lands. It's all state of the art with someone always monitoring it. No one is getting anywhere near here without us knowing. That being said, I completely understand your fear after what happened. It's the big reason I wanted to move you here. But if you want to move home, I could install the same security at your house." He didn't want her to leave, but he wanted to give her the option.

"I.." she suddenly frowned. "Do you think my family could possibly be in danger? My father and brothers?"

Daniel rubbed his jaw. He hadn't really thought of that, but then his own emotions had been running all over the place too. He was just better at keeping them under tight control.

'Mate is right. Especially since Tyler is mated to Solara,' Rafe commented.

"It's possible. We can talk to your father about that tomorrow," he said. She hadn't really answered his question though.

She nodded. "I don't want to leave Daniel. Unless you want me to go."

"No, not at all. I love having you and Noelle here. Jenna, you're my soul mate, my other half. I want you here with me." Daniel slipped his shirt over his head. "Now let's get in the tub before the water gets cold."

Jenna stared at his naked upper half in admiration, her gaze moving down to his six pack, and the V line that disappeared beneath his sweats.

Daniel felt her lust, and groaned inwardly as it fueled his own. "Do you want me to turn around until you're in the tub?"

Her eyes snapped Immediately up to his and she blushed. "I guess you've seen me naked already."

Daniel could feel her uncertainty. "A year ago," he reminded her.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now