Chapter 59

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Morning light filtered in through the curtains as Daniel opened his eyes. Noelle had stuck to her record of only waking them up twice in the middle of the night and he had managed to get her out of the room before she cried, so that Jenna could sleep through the night.

He breathed in her scent knowing that it would change before the day was over. He would miss his little human mate but he was excited to meet her wolf at the same time.

Jenna's breathing changed alerting Daniel that she was waking up and he prepared himself for the nervousness that he knew was going to accompany her throughout the day. He had spoken quite extensively to his father the last couple days about the entire process so he know what to expect. He planned to give her his blood this morning so that they could get it started and over with. He didn't want her to spend the entire day  sitting around think about it and drive both her and him into a nervous frenzy.

Jenna opened her eyes and yawned.

"Good morning," he greeted her.

"Morning. I can't believe I slept through the entire night," she murmured, then sat up suddenly. "Is Noelle okay? Did she wake up at all last night?"

"She's fine. I can hear her heartbeat from here," Daniel reassured her. "She woke up twice but I got her out of the room before she could wake you up. She took her bottle like a champ."

Jenna breathed a small sigh of relief. She was glad Noelle had taken so well to the bottle. It was one less concern she had to worry about today. She took a deep breath. "So what's the plan?"

"Well first we're going to have a hearty breakfast because you're going to need it and then we're going to get the process started. Be right back," Daniel said as he got up, and left the room.

Jenna climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. She was NOT looking forward to this process at all and wished that it was already over with. Consuming Daniel's blood was going to be her first challenge and the idea of it made her feel sick.

Noelle's cries made her hurry, and she went back in the bedroom to scoop up her baby. She changed her diaper, and looked up when Daniel walked in with a bottle.

"I made coffee and had breakfast delivered," he said, taking Noelle from her.

"Delivered?" She asked in surprise. The last two mornings they'd made breakfast themselves, though she'd found out that Daniel barely had any food in his apartment.

"I asked the ladies in the kitchen to make us something," He stopped before leaving the room and turned to her. "Jenna, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

She looked up at him in puzzlement. "Yes. I'm one hundred percent sure."

He searched her face for a moment, then searched her emotions for any bit of doubt. He could feel her nervousness but otherwise she seemed ready to do it. "Okay. Let's go eat." He turned and led her out of the bedroom.

The morning passed quickly after they had breakfast. Daniel showed her Noelle's room. He'd chosen to leave the furniture all in the middle of the room for now so that Jenna could paint and decorate the walls.

After, she went into the closet to work on putting her clothes away. Daniel hadn't brought up turning her since before breakfast but she figured they'd start when he got back. He'd gone down to his office to take care of something, promising to be back in a little bit.

She had no idea where his office was and decided she needed to ask him for a tour of the pack house at some point.

Jenna pulled out Daniel's sweatshirt from her bag and smiled. She really should return it to him, but it had become one of her favorite things to wear.

Alpha King's Missing Mate (Book 1 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon