★Prince Xavius★

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                         ★•Basil Donovan•★

( Prince Xavius's best friend and most trusted advisor)

"Prince Xavius Demetri Luca" is known for his exceptional intelligence and strategic thinking abilities. Despite facing numerous challenges, he managed to overcome all obstacles and succeeded. From a difficult childhood to a demanding career, perseverance led him to victory in the rogue war. He faced many challenges but never gave up on his dreams, The one thing he couldn't have was a mate and after searching far and wide, through the desert and to the mountain highs, he never found his fated mate, the goddess decided to make him wait." Basil said poetically to the female members of the visiting packs as they toured the palace.

Gasps erupted through the crowd of wolves as they stared in awe at the Prince. A crowd of drooling power-hungry omegas barreled through the security, trying to get their hands on the Greek god before them.

But Prince Xavius stood unmoved he had come accustomed to all the attention.

Don't you mean "we" I would have lost if I hadn't had my mighty army and The Royal Beta Nikoli. I led the army to victory.. but I did not fight them alone. So don't give me all the credit.  And stop being so theatrical, you do too much. Prince Xavius whispered to Basil while smacking him on the back jokingly.

" Can you please find your mate so I don't have to continue on with these ridiculous tours  Xavius or choose one! Tonight is the perfect opportunity for this. Go to the Alpha Ball tonight, you'll have gorgeous women crawling all over you."

"You can choose anyone your cold little heart desires. The only reason your mother and father started this pathetic tradition was because you were in search of a mate, so take advantage of it."

" Go to the Alpha Ball tonight choose a mate and then tomorrow you're coronation, your parents will be so pleased," Basil said following Xavius to his room.

" I know, but I will not be married to someone I don't have a connection with. So, hopefully, I find someone and we have a little bit of a connection and we go from there. I've made peace with the fact that my mate is either dead, isn't born yet, or maybe she got tired of waiting for me and took a chosen mate, too much time has passed so I know a mate is out of the question." Xavius said irritated as he dressed in his white tux in front of the mirror.


                            ✿·Angel Rose·✿

        "Why are we doing this Dad?"I said with an irritated look, I'd never been to an Alpha ball before.

        "Every year on the first full moon the King has an Alpha ball.  Alphas from all over the world present their daughters to the Prince, it's been going on for about 5 years now. The King became worried when his son had not found a mate. They're lycans so to reach their full potential they must have a mate, and as the rule states he cannot take the throne until he does."

        " And with the King becoming ill the situation became more dire. Only Alpha's daughters qualify. Because they have to withstand the transition into a lycan... So that means you. And now with the King growing weaker by the day, he will be forced to take a chosen mate if he does not find his fated mate."

       "And you think that's normal Dad? They're pretty much pimping their daughters out."I said attempting to piss my dad off.

      " Angel, our family was ordered by the King, it's not a choice and besides many girls would die to be in this position. I think you'll change your mind as soon as you see the Prince though."

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now