⚠️a stroll⚠️

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⚠️ This chapter contains situations such⚠️
as a miscarriage/ placenta abruption, something I have experienced three times and my heart goes out to all those who have suffered through similar situations and the loss of a child, I'm sorry for your loss.

But that being said I will not tolerate any negative things said regarding the subject, if you've never had one or never supported someone who did, then you cannot imagine what it's like, so for the sake of being respectful to everyone else who has, please be kind and mindful of what you say. After all, this is not a true story.

As we strolled to the Palace grounds arm in arm, I was enamored by the beautiful gardens and delightful scenery. When I say scenery I mean the Prince. Although he is a prince it's hard to respect somebody who is so arrogant.

"Where are my manners I should properly introduce myself, my name is Prince Xavius Dimitri Luca. One day I've got to sit down and tell you my crazy origin story. My family actually comes from a very humble background. I don't want you to think I'm some spoiled little brat" The prince said looking down sheepishly.

The prince's scent was alluringly mouth-watering with hints of vanilla, black orchid, and that special Mexican chocolate my Gran Candy uses.

I remember going to a shopping mall with my mother and sampling a scent called "black orchid" by Tom Ford, I believe it's a unisex scent. All I know is that's what I'm reminded of when I'm around Prince Xavius. It's seductive playful and warm. Either that or the pregnancy hormones are getting to me. Meanwhile, I was having an internal conversation and the Prince was talking, I wasn't even paying attention.

"The mate bond is different for Lycans, It's so much stronger, I never thought I would find you. I've seen a lot of beautiful women, wolves, and Lycans but you are in a league of your own." Prince Xavius said squeezing my arm slightly.

I giggled bashfully causing my cheeks to turn bright pink. "Thank you," I said giving him a soft smile.

The unfortunate thing was I kept feeling this incredibly odd sensation similar to menstrual cramps but with such intensity I could barely keep from falling over.
At first, it wasn't painful but after a few moments of listening to the Prince, I began to feel dizzy, and as hard as I tried to keep a straight face, I could no longer hold it in. I let out a muffled Yelp of pain. I felt as if I was being burned and torn from the inside, it was excruciating. I knew it was something to do with the pup, I suddenly collapsed to the ground as the pain intensified, no longer able to hold up my body due to lack of strength.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, determined to steady myself and get back up, but was hit with another searing pain.

Instead, Prince Xavius picked me up holding me in his arms. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Everything started spinning and That's all I remember before I passed out.


♠ Prince Xavius ♠

I was enjoying my walk and admiring my mate when suddenly she collapsed to the ground. I couldn't comprehend what was going on. So I hurriedly picked her up and mind-linked my Mother, she had always been a wonderful herbalist and worked with the sick before eventually becoming a midwife. "Hurry Luna I need you!".

I wanted my mate to have the best care and I knew that only my mother could provide that.

My mother rushed to our side.
"What happened Xavius?" My mother questioned me with a puzzled look.

I don't know, she just collapsed, but she is pregnant, I can sense the fetus.

"All right, let's get her to the Royal Pack Hospital, from the looks of it, the pups in trouble, she doesn't seem far along enough maybe 6 to 7 weeks or so, the odds are not good." My mother said and she knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I must inquire Xavius, Why are you with an unmated she wolf that is already pregnant? Please tell me you haven't gone and impregnated some random She Wolf you don't plan on marking, I didn't raise you like that and I won't tolerate it!" My mother whispered angrily.

"I'll tell you but you have to promise you're not going to freak out, "I said nervously.

"She's not just some random She Wolf, her name is Angel Benson and she's my mate! I can feel the bond and my beast has also confirmed my suspicion. Although she was already pregnant, I'm not the father of the pup but none of that matters, I just want her to be okay." I said anxiously, hoping my mother would approve.

When I said this gasps erupted throughout the entire Palace and The whispers that followed worried me. My mate was already being judged and she couldn't even defend herself.

"I will not hear a word against her! Anyone who says anything against her will be punished, I don't want to hear her name leave your lips!" I loudly commanded throughout the palace and everyone below my rank bowed in submission. Which was everyone except my Mom and Dad.

I waited for what seemed like hours before I finally received word on Angel's condition. Apparently what happened was a serious pregnancy complication in which the placenta detaches from the womb. I wasn't too familiar with medical terms so . My mother explained it to me like this:

"Placental abruption occurs when the placenta detaches from the inner wall of the womb before delivery. The condition can deprive the pup of oxygen and nutrients."

"I am terribly sorry Prince Xavius, but we couldn't save the pup, she wasn't far along enough in the pregnancy.
Angel hemorrhaged in the process so we're going to have to keep her here for a little while until her wolf can heal her and she can make a complete recovery. Fortunately, we were able to repair her uterus. So she will be able to conceive in the future. Again, I'm sorry for your loss, Your Highness. You can see her now if you'd like." My mother's colleague, Dr Rosenberg said patting me on the back softly.

As I walked in the room my mate was on dozens of machines and barely conscious. I couldn't stand being away from her any longer, so I made my way to her bedside hoping that my presence would speed up her recovery.

That's just one of the wonderful things mate bonds can do, make you stronger.

And almost immediately when I took her hand into mine her complexion began to brighten and she was no longer pale, the pink hue returned to her cheeks. And as I watched her body slowly transform before my eyes her eyes began to flutter open.

"Xavius? What happened? Did I lose the pup?" Angel questioned, her eyes threatening to spill tears at the same time.

"I'm sorry love, the pup was too small," I said bringing her into my arms to comfort her. There wasn't much else I could do, but be there for her through this trying time.

As Angel sobbed into my chest my beast howled, defeated because he was just as upset, he couldn't ease her pain.

Dr. Rosenberg gave her an injection to help with the pain and calm her nerves. The doctor also informed me Angel may need one more procedure called a DNC that would remove anything left behind after the miscarriage.

When Dr. Rosenberg informed me that her body had work to do and that miscarrying was a natural process, I was angry because of how he approached the situation.

There was a life lost here today, the doctor was so cold it bothered me. Miscarriages are rare in our society because our wolves heal us. And knowing that my mate would have to go through such a mortifying process made my wolf and I even more upset.

Now all I could do was just support her in every way I could.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now