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Angel's perspective ~

Xavius's confrontation with my mother shook me to the core. Despite her deception, I couldn't hold her entirely accountable. Who could blame a mother for shielding her child from the clutches of a dangerous man like Mike Weaver? As I delved into the letters, the depth of Mike Weaver's pain and remorse unfurled before me. The trauma and grief he endured in the wake of his past actions were palpable, his longing for redemption evident in every word he penned.

Lost in a whirlwind of emotions, I grappled with conflicting desires. While uncertainty clouded my mind, one unwavering resolve burned within me - to meet my sister, another innocent casualty in this tangled web of tragedy. Devoid of her mother and elder brother, she deserved to know the truth and find solace in the family that remained.

Against the backdrop of my mates' watchful gazes, a daring decision took root within me. Ignoring Xander's protectiveness and simmering temper, I resolved to venture into the heart of the Twin Moons Pack, seeking answers and closure. Knowing Xander would vehemently oppose my journey, I turned to Xavius, my unlikely ally in this tumultuous saga since our spat, for protection  on this risky path.

As I approached the cafe to meet Xavius, a foreboding sense of unease crept over me, casting a shadow over my thoughts. His cryptic message had stirred a tempest of emotions within me, leaving me on edge and apprehensive.

Stepping into the cozy cafe, I was caught off guard as Xavius enveloped me in a warm embrace, his lips brushing my cheek gently. "You look beautiful," he whispered, his arm encircling my shoulder as his hand caressed my back. Despite his endearing words, a lingering trace of anger colored my response as I inquired about the reason for our meeting. "All right what is it you need to tell me Xavius?" I said staring at him coldly.

With a solemn expression, Xavius revealed a disgusting secret that shattered the fragile peace within me. "When I visited the Twin Moons Pack," he began, his voice heavy with unease, "I uncovered a truth that will not only wound you but has already inflicted pain upon your sister, Pandora." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air clouding the cafe like a thick black smoke, threatening to suffocate me.

As he gently clasped my hands in his, his next words struck me like a knife to the heart. "Pandora was with someone familiar... Shiloh, her fated mate," Xavius disclosed, his eyes filled with sorrow and empathy. The revelation hit me like a physical blow, a mixture of shock and revulsion washing over me in waves.

Overwhelmed by disbelief and anguish, I staggered away, my hand reaching for the nearest waste paper basket as nausea overcame me. Tears brimmed in my eyes as a single thought echoed through my mind - why would the fates be so cruel? Despair and confusion gripped my heart as I grappled with the devastating truth unveiled before me.

After I emptied the contents of my stomach, Xavius pulled me close as tears flooded my eyes and drifted down my face in disbelief. "Why would the goddess do this after what he did?" I sobbed, my red, puffy eyes still glistening with tears. "Oh my God, Xavius, does she know the truth about Shiloh?" I asked, gazing up at my mate.

'The sight of them holding hands filled me with a surge of revulsion, and I couldn't hold back the truth any longer.' Xavius confessed, though I was furious that he revealed it without my consent, I realized Shiloh would have continued living a lie, had my mate not chosen to reveal the truth. "So what happened? What was the reaction?" I questioned, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Well, when I disclosed it in front of Mike, who now goes by Cameron, he was unable to contain his wolf, fiercely proclaiming his dedication to protecting his daughters, he was pissed," Xavius recounted. The mention of daughters caught me off guard, as I never thought he cared about me. 'When I disclosed the truth to your sister, she swiftly let go of Shiloh's hand and expressed her deep-seated resentment towards him for abandoning you and the pup.

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