a simple text

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Angels perspective~~

As Xander and I strolled toward my apartment door, a rush of anticipation filled the air. As I went to unlock my apartment door Xander swung me around, His lips met mine in a tender, lingering kiss, igniting a fire within me, that caused my wolf to purr like a kitten. I lovingly melted into his embrace, my hands caressing his sculpted physique, feeling the heat and strength of his body. I Hated to let him go, my body aches for his touch, especially when all I want to do is just drag him into my room, and destroy him in the most beautiful way possible, but I had to work in the morning and there was no way I would get up on time if he was here.

Upon entering my apartment, I sank into my soft, inviting bed. Though it paled in comparison to the grandeur of the Palace, it was mine. As I lay there, the euphoria of the evening enveloped me, and I knew it would be some time before I descended from the euphoric heights we had reached together.

A soft buzz from my phone sent a flurry of butterflies dancing in my stomach. It was Xavius. His message, filled with tenderness, read-
"Hey gorgeous, I hope your date with my dickhead brother went well. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you💕 and I missed you 😘."

I couldn't help but smile as I replied, "Yes, it went wonderfully. I misjudged Xander, and I miss you too. Not to worry babe we'll see each other soon. ❤️😘"

As I hit send, a rush of warmth enveloped me, knowing that I had both Xander and Xavius in my heart.

In response, Xavius sent one final message, "Good night, my love, and sweet dreams, my Beast and I miss you so fucking much Angel, I love you.💞😘"

The words lingered in my mind, wrapping me in a blanket of affection. Although, I had expressed my feelings to him before I still wasn't comfortable texting it yet. I guess that's because it makes it feel real. So I sent him a simple text to say everything I needed to say.

"Ditto 💕💋"

Soon after I drifted off to sleep, my heart filled with the presence of both men who had captured my thoughts.

As I felt the gentle vibration of the bed once more, pulling me from the edge of sleep, I groggily reached for my phone. It was a message from Xander, and my heart skipped a beat. His playful tone was clear as he teased.

"Hmm,🤔I see how you are, 😏 you're just going to go to bed without texting your mate?"

With a weary smile, I crafted a reply, "Well, my mate already texted me and wished me good night, so I've already talked to one of my mates tonight. If the other one wants to talk to me, he knows my number.😑"

The sarcasm dripped from my words, a playful challenge to match his teasing. Two can play this game,I thought to myself, feeling a surge of exhilaration at the playful back-and-forth.

Feeling the weight of the silence that followed my message, I began to second-guess my decision. I didn't want to risk pushing him away, especially when every fiber of my being yearned to reach out to him and fill his phone with messages. The desire for him burned within me, intensified by the tantalizing challenge of his elusive nature. Yet, I knew I couldn't allow myself to chase after him, just as he had once told me. It was a delicate dance, and I had to find the right balance between desire and restraint. Unable to fight the urge to text him I sent one last text and ultimately decided to play it cool.

I replied one last time, "If you want to talk to me, you know my number. So until then, don't expect me to text you first.🙎🏽‍♀️"

I hoped he would understand that I wanted him to make more of an effort, even though every fiber of my being yearned to reach out to him. Xander was different from Xavius, and I needed to maintain a sense of nonchalance. If he wanted to be an ass, I could play that game too.

The thought of waiting for his text sent a thrill through me, and I knew it would be a test of patience. Despite the longing to connect with him, I resolved to hold my ground and let him feel the anticipation of my response.


I awoke to the familiar creaking of the floor in my room. Squinting in the darkness, I caught a shift of movement before he was at my side. Before I could react, his forceful kiss and rough touch sent a surge of confusion through me. As I caught a whiff of his scent, the shock hit me. I reached for the light, only to find my ex, Shiloh, standing before me.

Before I could process the situation, my mates lunged at him, delivering a fists to his jaw, and then another to his temple, instantly causing a large knot to form . I quickly intervened, pulling them back.

"That's enough! He will be punished. Get him up right now," I demanded. Xander seized Shiloh by the throat, as he howled in pain, meanwhile Xander's beast was beginning to emerge. Desperate, I wrapped my arms around Xander, pleading for him to stop. Shiloh hadn't even had a chance to speak, but Xavius intervened, asserting control over the situation.

"What are you doing in my mate's room?" Xavius growled. Shiloh looked at me, his eyes pleading. "I missed you. The pack is not the same without you, Angel. Come home, please," he begged. I was stunned by his sudden appearance, unsure of how to react.

"Don't address our mate, Xander growled," his voice rumbled in that primal way that never failed to stir something inside me. I felt a surge of annoyance, unable to comprehend Shiloh's expectations. I had found my mates, and he held no place in my life. Despite the fact that I had once carried his pup, I had worked hard to bury that painful past - it was the only way I could begin to heal. "Besides, I've lost the connection to you when I lost the pup, so there's no reason for you to linger, Shiloh."

Xander and Xavius exchanged incredulous glances, their expressions a mix of shock and concern. "Is this the piece of shit who caused you such pain and lied about being your mate?" Xavius's voice dripped with disdain as he sought confirmation. I hesitated, knowing that admitting the truth would only stoke the flames of animosity towards Shiloh. I didn't wish him harm; I simply longed for him to vanish from my life. With a deep breath, I conceded, "Yes." I winced, i knew something was coming, and it wasn't good.

Their eyes filled with a smoldering intensity, and I sensed the dangerous thoughts brewing in their minds. Swiftly, I intervened, desperate to defuse the rising tension before it spiraled out of control. But before I knew it they quickly opened the window and flung him out of it, it was three stories down so he would survive it, but he screamed all the way down.

I hurried to the window, but he had vanished into the night. I Turned my attention back to my mates and I found them settling into bed, their inviting arms drawing me into their warm embrace they quickly placed me in the middle between them. "Come, let's get some sleep you have work tomorrow" they murmured, enfolding me between them.

Nestled in their protective embrace, I actually felt complete, although this was an odd situation, I knew it would probably be a one-time thing.

Startled, I sat up in bed, a sudden realization washing over me - I had overlooked the entire situation, a frequent occurrence when my emotions ran high. "Wait, how did you both get in here, and how long have you been watching over me?" I blurted out, my tone a mix of surprise and genuine concern. I couldn't fathom why they had entered my room in the first place.

"Your text pissed off my beast, and I rushed over. Xavius insisted on accompanying me, reminding me that you needed your privacy and space," Xander explained, his eyes reflecting his concerns. "We saw Shiloh entering your room from the window, so we followed to ensure you were safe," he added, his voice filled with protectiveness.

Reassured by their explanations, I nestled into the comforting warmth of Xander's chest, while Xavius enveloped me from behind, his arms securing me in a protective embrace. As their presence surrounded me, I surrendered to a deep, peaceful slumber, feeling truly safe and cherished.

ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu