innocent flirting 10

164 15 7

Xander pov

Once again I had to clean up the mess my brother had created he was always fucking something up. I picked up a variety of flowers from a local shop and a pink stuffed bear holding a box of assorted chocolates, I figured I might as well go all out considering I didn't know how pissed she was or why.
Xavius was always sloppy when it came to doing just about anything, if you want something done right you might as well do it yourself. After this bullshit I'm cutting him off, he's not going to be seeing our mate for a while, not to mention he always forgets the mate spray and that's all it takes for her to smell that our scents are different and we are done for.

Worst case scenario we can always tell her that he was away on a trip and he didn't know that she was his mate and she'll never know what has gone on between the three of us.
As I made my way to her place of employment I lovingly gazed at her through the large glass window, I couldn't help admiring all her captivating features, she was so flawless from her beautiful curves to the face she made when she was angry, Angel is mesmerizing to look at, from the very moment I saw her she Enchanted me. I had never seen an average werewolf as beautiful.
I was pulled from my stupor when I noticed four young men walking into the store, I waited a moment and walked in behind them carefully not to alert them of my presence, they seemed to be average werewolves possibly in the very low ranks. I had heard them Whispering about Angel and her boss, it seems the mutts Had their sights set on them since the day Angel began working there.

Apparently, they were flirting with them planning on asking them out. And of course, My Beast wasn't having it but I decided against confronting them and would wait because it could be completely innocent, I don't want to overreact in front of Angel. After all I'm not Xavius.

"Hey ladies you have any book recommendations for my friends and me, we wanted to read up on the karma sutra and were wondering if you would give us a demonstration?" The first mutt said leaning over the counter.

But before I could say anything Angel's boss let him have it.

"You cheeky little bastard, what did I tell you about coming in here and trying to seduce my employees, as if you could anyway? Do I need to call your mother and tell her you're here trying to get my employees to teach you the Kama Sutra again?" Angel's boss said with her hand on her hip, she had obviously dealt with these mutts for quite some time and was used to their shenanigans.

"No! The delinquents said sheepishly looking down whilst mumbling apologies.

But that's when the oldest mutt approached Angel, he was about her age and made me feel ancient. I must admit I was ridiculously jealous, nevertheless, I wanted to see how this played out so I kept my mouth shut.

"I'm Sorry Miss, I'm Jayce and these are my brothers Dallas, Dillon, and Memphis. Unfortunately, they can be a bit childish at times, however, you're the most attractive She Wolf I've ever seen in my life, the last few days I've been admiring your beautiful smile and have been stealing glimpses of you every time I walk past this window. I was hoping I could ask you out for coffee?" The kid asked offering her a warm smile.

But that was it I was no longer in control, my Beast quickly took over picking the kid up by his throat and slamming him against the counter.

"SHE'S MINE!" My beast roared enraged, my once human hand was now covered in fur with extended claws, that dug deep into his jugular. Suddenly, I felt a calm come over me, looking down I realized Angel had a firm grip on my bicep.

"Take your hands off of him Xavius! He's done absolutely nothing wrong I am not mated or marked yet, he couldn't have known we were mates!" Angel demanded, When my gaze met hers the look of horror on her tear-stained face compelled my wolf to sink deep into my psyche allowing me to let the kid go.

" Angel, I'm sorry, my beast is overly protective because he hasn't marked or mated with you yet, please forgive me. Lycans are extremely possessive and territorial and sometimes I have a hard time controlling my beast, we all do." I begged hoping she wouldn't reject me right here on the spot.

The other kids looked at me with realization, now bowing and bearing their necks in submission, soon after the youths were trembling in fear whilst hurriedly stumbling out the door.

"We're so sorry your highness will never bother them again, we'll never even go in the store, please forgive us! they yelled as they began running away.

Turns out I didn't have to do anything at all.
Angel peered at me irritated, I still hadn't figured out what my brother had done so I would just apologize without context. Although I had surely screwed us both.

"Hey babe I just wanted to let you know I'm really sorry for whatever I did and I wanted to bring this to you to make it up to you." I said handing her the gifts I had purchased but she stood unmoved with a scowl on her face.

"Get out! I think I'm going to need some time away from you, perhaps it's better for the both of us! You're clearly not ready for a relationship you can't even control your beast around me, how can I be sure that I'm safe?"

" But- An-gel.." Is all I got out before she took off in the back room throwing my stuff back on the counter.

"I don't know her very well but I can honestly tell you in the beginning of a relationship no woman wants to be told what to do or treated in such a way, give her her space and I'm sure she'll start to miss you, she'll call you." Her boss Sasha said gesturing to the door.

And with that I walked out the door unsure that she would ever want to see me again..


ReJecTed by the GaMma LoVeD by the AlpHa [AnGel's Choice book 2]Where stories live. Discover now