Twin Moons Pack

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Shiloh's perspective ~

I secured a room at a nearby hotel. Its proximity to Cameron's residence wasn't lost on me, and I was certain that Cameron was Mike, even though he was probably unaware of his own identity. I pondered whether to inform my pack or to attempt to sneak into theirs, potentially uncovering more about my destined mate, Angel's sister.


Angel had always been beautiful, and the sexiest she-wolf in the pack, I had hoped she would be my mate. However, upon receiving my wolf, I quickly realized she wasn't. Nonetheless, I lusted after her for many years, and my desire for her lingered, prompting me to deceive her, a choice I knew was wrong.

But, I didn't give a fuck, After years of longing for her, I couldn't resist the opportunity, though I knew it could lead to heartbreak and again, I did not give a fuck, I was just thinking with my dick at the time, if I would have known it would have unfolded this way I would have never done it. Unfortunately, I run the risk of my real mate finding out that I fucked her sister, something that is probably an unforgivable sin in her eyes.


The night seemed endless, my thoughts consumed by the vision of a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. She was perfect in every way. Despite my internal struggle, I longed to grow closer to her. As the night deepened, I found myself wandering through the grounds, oddly devoid of the usual security presence.

In an instant, I felt the cold edge of a blade against my throat, as slender arms wrapped around me with unexpected strength. "State your business with Twin Moons pack, intruder," a sweet, yet commanding voice demanded, her breath warm against my ear, "What brings you here?" The voice, unmistakably feminine and filled with authority, resonated from behind me, the delicate contours of her body blending with mine as she held me in place, her scent intoxicating.

"Do I seduce your senses as you do mine? Does your skin come alive at my touch, or is this connection one-sided?" I ventured, hoping for a sign of relenting. My hopes were dashed, however, as she guided me firmly toward the pack house, her grip unyielding.

My mate dragged me into the pack house, an arm still draped over my throat, her scent still enveloping my senses, leaving me in a drunken captivation. If I had been more attentive, I might have realized that it was her scent that had led to this situation, acting like a potent drug that intoxicated me with every breath.

Before I knew it, we had stepped into an office. The pack house was eerily quiet, pristine and lacking of members, and as we entered, we were met by none other than Mike Weaver himself, posing as the pack's leader. "We have an intruder on the grounds who claims to be my mate. What should we do with him, father?" my alluring mate inquired. "Well, let's have him seated, he doesn't seem to be a rogue, Pandora. He might be entirely innocent and speaking the truth," Mike responded. At the sound of her name, a flurry of butterflies seemed to invade my stomach, a sensation entirely unfamiliar to me.

As Pandora gently lowered me to the chair, a subtle grace infused her every movement. She began to shed her layers, the soft fabric of her sweater cascading down her arms to reveal a pristine white T-shirt that hugged her, accentuating the delicate contours of her form. Her slender frame, so unlike that of an Alpha's daughter, which bore a captivating fragility, devoid of the customary muscular stature and towering height.

As Pandora's allure enveloped me, my wolf could barely contain his elation, his excitement palpable as he wagged his tail in joyful anticipation. Her form, a vision of perfection, seemed tailor-made to intertwine flawlessly with mine, and I found myself transfixed, nearly entranced by her presence. My gaze lingered, captivated, until Cameron's pointed throat-clearing broke the spell.

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