♡In Da Club♡

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Zyan's Point of View:

"Well, look at who finally has time for her best friends?" Eva says sarcastically as I meet the girls in my bedroom after work.

"I'm sorry guys, my schedule has been really jam-packed lately." I say coyly.

"More like jam-packed with good dick now your mind can't organize shit. But we will forgive you since you organized us hanging tonight." Eva says, and Megan laughs.

"Yeah, where are we going? You just said dressed really fucking good." Megan asked.

"Club One." I casually mention as I walk into my closet.

"Ah shit the bitch done got her sugar daddy boyfriend to hook us up." Eva says and I laugh.

"He is not my sugar daddy, my boyfriend, yes. Besides, Michael wants to make it up to you guys for holding me hostage. So, I hope you both brought your best outfits. He is putting us up in V.I.P." I say to them, and they squeal.

"Bitches what are we waiting for? I need to definitely find me a baller so I can get my back cracked tonight. A very rich baller since Roland is playing with me when it comes to Alonzo." Eva says, and I shake my head.

"The man is married." Megan and I say in unison.

"And his wife is still in ICU. Never mind that let's just get ready." Eva rebuttals, and we do exactly that. It took me longer since I wanted to get in one last shower before we head out. Dressed to stun a crowd when we arrived, I hired a driver from my dad's roster to drive us.

"Now Kenji, I will most likely be riding back with my boyfriend tonight. So, if they need it, make sure Eva and Megan get home tonight. I wrote their addresses down on this paper." I handed it to my Daddy's favorite driver.

"Certainly, Ms. Walker, are you ready?" He asked, and I told him yes before scrolling up the partition to the black limo.

"Oh, this is about to be lit, finally getting into the hottest club around." Eva boasts.

"Yeah, with our girl dressed like a seductress in the night. Damn Zyan, red looks amazing on you." Megan says, and I smirked.

"Thanks, girl, but I am definitely working on seducing my target tonight." I say, smirking to myself.

"Damn Meg, the dick has changed her. She is definitely in her hoe it up with her man phase. Yes bitch!!! We are so happy because you deserve it. Now I got an idea of how you can really spin this nigga on his head." Eva says to me.

"And what's that?" I asked her.

"Dance with other guys and play it cool. He is already your man and once he catches you dancing with another nigga in that dress, he going to tear into your ass a new one. Angry sex is so exhilarating and when you have it, the spice in the bedroom just gets hotter." Eva laughs.

It made me think about our time in his office today. He had this dominant spirit about him that turned me on so fucking much. It made me want to challenge that spirit right back. It brought out a side of me I didn't know.

"I am sure she doesn't need any tips, Eva. Her ass got that man wrapped around her finger, knowing our girl." Megan says.

"Nah, she definitely does if he's saying he loves her first." Eva laughs as they clink champagne glasses. I smirk, looking out at the highway as we head towards downtown L.A., they were right.

He was wrapped around my finger, and I loved the feeling of commanding his attention and praise. He tells me he loves me so effortlessly and without hesitation. However, I need more time to get there. I mean, I thought I was in love once, and he showed me his true colors after I said that to him.

Fallen For A Mafia Boss: The Story Of Michael And Zyan: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now