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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (18)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai【Complete】(18)
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  Han Qingxia fought her way through the green belt on the side. At this moment, she finally saw an unloading truck with its door open in front of a convenience store.


  If she didn't have a car anymore, she would have to go into a car dealership and steal it!

  Han Qingxia ran towards the unloading truck without saying a word. As soon as she ran, the man and woman behind her also quickly chased after her.

  When Han Qingxia ran to the car, she was surprised to find that the keys were still in the car, the door was open, and no one was inside.

  She glanced at the convenience store behind her.

  The convenience store was now empty, no one was there, and there was only blood spilled on the floor at the front desk.

  It seems that this place was not immune at that time. Someone must have changed and drove everyone else away.

  After Han Qingxia took out the car keys, in line with the principle of never leaving anything empty, he rushed in to sweep another wave of supplies.

  You have to know that if it takes half a minute to clear out these things in the store now, it will take a hundred times more time and difficulty to clear out the same supplies in the future!

  The zombie era is not just for a few seconds now, but forever and ever.

  After she escapes, the situation will only become more severe in the future.

  No one dislikes having too many supplies.

  Han Qingxia used his heels to make a decision and just came down and rolled up a wave.

  When the two little tails who had been following her ran in, the convenience store was basically empty except for the items at the front desk!

  Han Qingxia didn't ask for the shelves this time. The convenience store was small. She ran around it twice and sucked in all the supplies up and down.

  All kinds of snacks and candies, daily necessities, and Han Qingxia's favorite convenience store snack rice balls, sushi, lunch boxes, bread, cakes, and ice cream.

  In addition, the drinks rolls are basically empty.

  "Is this a newly opened convenience store?" The woman ran in panting and saw that there was almost nothing inside.

  Han Qingxia knew that there was a little tail following her all the time. When she was about to leave, she pretended to be carrying two buckets of water in her hands and carried them into the car outside in front of them.

  "Hey! You didn't give me any money! And you took the things away. What are we going to eat later?" The woman asked Han Qingxia loudly and unconvinced.

  Her words were only replaced by the man next to her saying, "You must be sick!"

  After scolding her, the man tried to follow Han Qingxia, "Miss, can you take me away! Send me to Wanjia Mansion in the west of the city! Send me there, and I will give you money! One million!"

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