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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (71)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (71)
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  This looks like he ran to his house, found a zombie, and ran back quickly!

  But how can they hide from the zombies from all directions!

  As soon as they appeared, they were stared at by hungry zombies everywhere, and there was no way to escape!

  The two people were swallowed up by zombies in front of everyone's eyes, and then their bodies began to twitch and mutate in front of everyone's eyes.

  Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.


  The leading armored vehicle kicked the accelerator and ran over the two piles of zombies violently, pushing away all the zombies on the road and crushing them to death, creating a safe avenue for them.

  All the cars walked back along the road driven by Han Qingxia.

  After they safely left the two groups of zombies, everyone unconsciously felt twice as safe and extremely grateful at this moment.

  Fortunately, they followed Han Qingxia resolutely and did not try to go home like those two idiots!

  There are really zombies everywhere out there!

  There is no safe place!

  There must be no chance!

  Following Han Qingxia, she told them that as long as they stayed in her territory, they could all live safely.

  Everyone followed Han Qingxia's car and quickly headed towards the outer suburbs.

  A motorcade stopped in a group of villas in the outer suburbs.

  The moment Han Qingxia appeared, the residents of Villa No. 9 immediately ran out.

  "Lord! You are here!"

  Han Qingxia nodded when she saw Wang Youmin and his wife and children.

  She waved her hand and asked the people in the five or six cars behind her to get out.

  "All of you will live here from now on."

  Han Qingxia looked at Wang Youmin and said, "You lead them to grow food and engage in production."

  Production is fundamental to everything.

  And food production is the foundation of the foundation.

  Only when there is stable food output can we consider expanding other production types.

  Ruth took one step at a time.

  After Wang Youmin heard this, he immediately nodded, "Okay!"

  "Everyone, come here and I'll tell you the rules of the base."


  PS: To put it roughly, the style of this zombie novel should be more realistic, and it will write a lot about chasing, escaping and surviving in the zombie world.

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