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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (42)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (42)
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  "Xu Shaoyang, have you eaten?"

  At this time, Han Qingxia looked at Xu Shaoyang after feeding the dog.

  Xu Shaoyang, who was named, was blushing all the time, "I, we still have some food on us."

  "That means I haven't eaten yet. I'm going to cook."

  Han Qingxia turned around and walked into the air-raid shelter.

  At this time, Xu Shaoyang quickly stopped her, "Miss, do you have any medicine here! Our boss is dying!"

  "Yes! Can you save our captain first?"

  Han Qingxia then lazily glanced at the person behind Xu Shaoyang.

  At this moment, she curled her lips and said, "What good does it do me to save him?"

  Chapter 32: It's cool to have the first aid pill!

  "Miss! As long as you can save our captain, I will do whatever you want for you!" Xu Shaoyang's serious face showed an extremely serious guarantee.

  The corners of Han Qingxia's lips curved upward, and now she said, "Simple, I want you."

  Xu Shaoyang: "..."

  His cold face instantly turned red from his neck to the back of his ears, and he didn't even know how to answer.

  The other comrades looked at Xu Shaoyang with even more words.

  This, this, what is this...

  In fact, it's just that Xu Shaoyang is so handsome that he was attracted by this female devil at a glance and planned to stay as her husband, right...

  For a moment, everyone didn't know whether to sympathize with Xu Shaoyang or envy Xu Shaoyang.

  "Miss, I am alone." Xu Shaoyang took a deep breath and looked at Han Qingxia, "What do you want me to do?"

  "I want you to stay and be my subordinate. From now on, you will only work for me!"

  "That's not possible! I still want to go back to the army with everyone!"

  Han Qingxia stood up lazily, "Then think about it slowly. If you want to save him, then stay."

  Looking at Han Qingxia's careless back, Xu Shaoyang clenched his fists and said, "Miss! Can you really save my captain?"

  "Of course, if you dare, I guarantee that he will not die!" Han Qingxia said with great certainty.

  Having the system first aid pill is there, which means you are confident!

  After hearing this, Xu Shaoyang was silent for three seconds and replied solemnly, "Okay! If you can save my captain, my life, Xu Shaoyang's, will be yours from now on!"


  "Xu Shaoyang!"

  A group of teammates saw Xu Shaoyang agreeing and immediately became anxious.

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