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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (58)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (58)
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  "The mutant powers include thunder powers, ice powers, healing powers, spiritual powers, and very niche and rare powers. You have to encounter them to know them."

  Han Qingxia gave Xu Shaoyang science popularization without reservation.

  What's left to keep now?

  This is your own person, not someone else's!

  She is now giving Xu Shaoyang popular science so that he can upgrade in the future!

  "Superpowers are all elementary at the beginning. With the level of understanding and practice, they will be graded. However, no matter how they are graded, there will be suppression of the power."

  "The upper limit of variant abilities is generally stronger than that of ordinary elemental abilities, and stronger than enhanced abilities."

  Han Qingxia was an ordinary person in his previous life and had never awakened any powers.

  It was okay in the early stage, but the effect of the superpower was not obvious in the early stage. Han Qingxia was ruthless and tough, and he could still make a difference without superpowers.

  In the later stages, the gap between superpowers and ordinary people became wider and wider.

  Han Qingxia can only be the captain of a small base.

  As long as she had a special ability, she would have at least been able to get to the top of the base in her previous life.

  So much so that she didn't even know much about supernatural powers.

  Superpowers can be strengthened, but because she doesn't know how to strengthen them, she has no way.

  The only thing I know is that it may have something to do with the crystal nucleus.

  In the base in her previous life, the common currency was the crystal core, which was collected everywhere. Han Qingxia tried to study it herself and felt that there was energy in the crystal core, but it was a pity that she, an ordinary person, could not study that much.

  "Zi la."

  Han Qingxia drove the car under the elevated highway.

  She found the body of the second-level zombie, jumped down, dug around in his head, and found a crystal the size of a goose egg.

  "This is the crystal core."

  "I know this." Xu Shaoyang said, "I was in the special operations team before, and the superiors asked us to collect this."

  Han Qingxia's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Did you come here specifically to collect this?"

  Xu Shaoyang nodded.

  What they received was not an ordinary rescue mission, but a zombie hunting mission.

  Go to the core location, hunt a large number of zombies, and assist the rescue team by the way.

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