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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (111)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (111)
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  A large number of zombies were like ants returning to their nest, surrounding them from all directions.

  The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons is nothing more than that!

  "Yoko! Get up quickly!"

  Han Qingxia immediately opened the car door and faced the tent outside.

  Xu Shaoyang came out of the tent three seconds after hearing her voice, and was pulled directly into the car by Han Qingxia on the fourth second.

  After they got into the car, the first screams broke out outside.

  "Ah! There are zombies!"

  "The zombies are attacking!"

  After the screams rang out, everyone who was resting woke up. By the time they picked up the guy to fight, the zombie wave had already rushed to their convoy!


  A zombie pounced directly on Xu Shaoyang's tent just now.

  After realizing that they missed the target, they crashed into Han Qingxia's car with a roar.

  A bloodless, shriveled, twisted zombie face was pressed tightly against the glass window, its mouth opened wide, and it bit into it.

  Chapter 89 My sister is better than my brother

  "Ho ho ho!"

  This is a very short old zombie. The blood-stained clothes are vaguely identifiable as a linen Tang suit with a disheveled collar that is standard for the old man in the park. The bare Mediterranean is exposed on the top of the old zombie's head, and the hairline recedes straight to the back of the head.

  But it can be seen that this old zombie was a very decent person during his lifetime. The few hairs he had left were also styled by him, trimmed into a shape like a round potted plant in the garden and placed on the back of his head and on his front teeth. Set with a large shining gold tooth.


  The big gold tooth knocked against the glass window in front of Han Qingxia, making a sizzling sound, the sound of metal scratching on the glass, slender and sharp enough to make people get goosebumps.

  A large swath of thick black blood smeared across the entire glass window. The elderly zombies clawed and slapped at the glass window like crazy, banging against their car.

  When it hits the third time.


  A bullet flew into the right temple of the old zombie. The powerful impact caused its head to tilt violently in front of Han Qingxia's eyes. Its neck was deflected at 90 degrees, and with a thud, it burst apart.

  Immediately after, there was the sound of footsteps outside, and a group of Lu Qiyan's guards rushed over. They glanced at the people in the car, made a gesture, and quickly dispersed to eliminate other zombies.

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