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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (106)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (106)
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  "Good grandson, give it to grandma. Grandma is starving to death."

  "Get the hell out of here! You trash! You deserve to eat!" The young man kicked them away. "Mom, you shouldn't be with these two losers all the time. They are just a drag! A damn old guy who can't die, a lame loser who can't even complete the base mission, why are you following them!"

  "Yes, yes! My son, you are right!" The middle-aged woman felt that what she said was very reasonable, and stared at the bag of noodles in the young man's hand eagerly, "We are a family forever!"

  "Mom, let's live alone from now on! We won't get together with these two losers!"

  "You're absolutely right! Now that you're good, let's kick these two losers away!"

  The middle-aged woman followed Han Ying and left.

  The lame middle-aged man on the ground rushed towards the young man frantically, "Son, I am your father! How could you abandon your father! Have you forgotten that I carried you all the way out and took care of you until your body recovered?" You can't stop losing your father as soon as you get better!"

  "That's right! Ying'er, I'm your grandma! I've loved you the most since I was a child! How could you abandon grandma! Take grandma with you! Grandma will still love you in the future!"

  "Get out of here! You two useless pieces of trash! Let's all die!" Han Yingbang kicked these two people with both feet.

  This group of people is Han Ying's family.

  Han Ying was also very lucky. Han Qingxia tricked him into sending him to the hospital and took away his mobile phone and ID card. However, he was very lucky to be found by his parents who loved him deeply.

  When they found him, the zombie virus broke out. Han Ying's father noticed that something was wrong, and hid with his wife and hospitalized mother behind the unconscious Han Ying. Their family's luck was also gone. I escaped into the hospital's Chinese medicine dispensary, locked the door, and huddled inside without opening the door to anyone who asked for help. I was very lucky to survive the early stages of the apocalypse.

  And what's weird is that because they take Chinese medicine as food every day, Han Ying, who was almost beaten into a vegetative state, was able to eat it!

  Although they missed the first wave of rescue, they met a team of survivors looking for supplies.

  The family relied on someone else, and then came to the K1 base.

  Luck has always taken care of them.

  Of course, because they did not have the protection and guidance of Han Qingxia in this life, they suffered a lot. They had no food in the early stage and could only take dry Chinese medicine every day. The water was rainwater collected from an outside window. From the end of the world Since then, I haven't had a decent meal!

  On the way to escape, no one protected them, and everyone was scarred and in extreme embarrassment. Han Ying's father even had one of his legs broken and became a disabled person.

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