Revelations and Love

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Night had fallen upon the White Tower and the trio made their way back to their chambers, their steps echoing in the quiet halls of the White Tower. Moiraine walked alongside Elara, her thoughts heavy with the question that had been nagging at her since the moment Elara had called Siuan "Mother" in Moiraine's own dream.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Moiraine finally turned to her daughter and asked, "Elara, how long have you known about the secret that Siuan is also your mother?"

Elara's gaze dropped to the floor, her cheeks flushed with guilt. She cuddled closer to Lan, seeking comfort in his embrace. She hesitated for a moment before whispering, "I've known for a while, Mother."

Moiraine's heart sank, a mix of emotions flooding her. "Why didn't you tell me, Elara?"

Lan, always astute and sensitive, intervened gently. "Moiraine, perhaps it's best we let Elara rest for now."

Reluctantly, Moiraine agreed, but her curiosity still burned brightly. The two of them climbed into bed. Elara felt a profound sense of peace as she lay there, her head resting against Moiraine's shoulder. She knew that she was safe and loved beyond measure.

As they drifted off to sleep, the room was filled with a sense of love and unity, a family bound together by a bond that could not be broken. The White Tower held its mysteries, but the love that Moiraine, Siuan, Lan, and Elara shared was the most precious secret of all.


The next morning, the sun's soft rays filtered through the windows of their chamber, casting a warm and comforting glow. Elara stirred, her eyes fluttering open to find herself sandwiched between her two mothers, Moiraine and Siuan. It was a moment of pure contentment that she cherished.

As she stretched and yawned, her gaze fell upon Moiraine, who was watching her with a mix of curiosity and affection. Elara couldn't escape the feeling that her mother was still eager to ask about her knowledge of the secret.

"Mother, I know you have questions," Elara said with a small smile, her voice filled with the same wisdom and calmness that belied her young age.

Moiraine sighed, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Elara, how long have you known about Siuan being your mother?"

Elara's gaze shifted to Siuan, who was lying beside her, a tender smile on her lips. "I've known for as long as I can remember."

Moiraine couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and relief. "And why didn't you ever say anything?"

Elara's fingers traced patterns on the sheets as she spoke, her voice gentle. "I knew it was a secret, something important to both of you. I didn't want to reveal it unless you were ready."

Siuan, her eyes filled with affection, leaned in to place a kiss on Elara's forehead. "Our clever girl."

Moiraine chuckled, her heart lightening as she realized the depth of her daughter's understanding. "Indeed. You've always been wise beyond your years, Elara."

Elara's smile widened, and she snuggled closer to her mothers. "Will it always have to be a secret?"

Moiraine and Siuan exchanged a knowing look, a silent agreement passing between them. "For now, Elara," Moiraine replied, her voice soft. "Our secret."

As they settled into the morning they exchanged stories and memories from when Elara was a baby. Lan joined in as they reveled in the comfort of their love and the unspoken bond that bound them together. The White Tower may have held its secrets, but the most precious secret of all was the love they shared, a love that would carry them through any challenge or trial that lay ahead.

Okay, this is the last backstory chapter, so if there is any confusion please let me know. The rest of the chapters will follow the path of the show and book. If I ever misspell anything please call me out. I have read the books and watched the show so I know a great deal of everything but I am human not a Brown Ajah of the Aes Sedai so if I mess up on a connection I would like to fix it so the story is as realistic and accurate as possible. I am a huge fan of the series.

Thanks again to everyone who supports and enjoys reading this story!

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