The Silver Arches

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The morning sun cast a soft glow over the White Tower, and Elara stood in front of her mirror, dressed in a pristine white tunic dress

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The morning sun cast a soft glow over the White Tower, and Elara stood in front of her mirror, dressed in a pristine white tunic dress. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, and her reflection betrayed a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was the day she had dreamed of since the beginning of her novice training—the day of the Silver Arches test.

Lan entered her room, a steadying presence. He walked over, placing both hands on her shoulders. "Remember, trust yourself, and acknowledge your fears. They cannot control you. Danger is real, fear is a choice."

Elara nodded, absorbing his words, and hugged Lan. He embraced her back, cherishing the moment, understanding the peril she was about to face. Moiraine walked in, a solemn expression on her face. "It's time," she said, holding out her hand. Elara took Moiraine's hand, and together they embarked on the journey to the basement of the White Tower.

In the dimly lit corridor, they stood before a colossal door, adorned with a wheel awaiting its turn. Elara's breath caught, a mixture of excitement and trepidation swirling within her. Moiraine sensed the tremor in Elara's hand and responded with a gentle, reassuring squeeze—a silent promise of solidarity. As she was about to turn the wheel to open the door, Siuan approached Elara, unwilling to miss this momentous occasion. She cupped Elara's face and said, "Know that no matter what, you are loved beyond measure."

Elara felt a surge of warmth, grateful to have her mothers by her side before facing the challenges ahead. Despite the reassuring words, Elara couldn't shake the echoes of Ishamael's deceiving whispers. She shared one last smile with her mothers before crossing the threshold into the room of Silver Arches.

The door opened, revealing the three arches and the presence of Alanna Sedai, Leane Sedai, and Maigan Sedai

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The door opened, revealing the three arches and the presence of Alanna Sedai, Leane Sedai, and Maigan Sedai. Elara greeted them with a soft smile and nodded. "So, do I just walk through them?"

Maigan spoke, her voice carrying the weight of the impending trial. "This one will bring you face-to-face with your greatest fears, and what those fears are, are for you to know."

Leane added, "Two things we will tell you now that no woman hears until she is in this room. The first: once you begin, you must continue to the end. Refuse to go on, and you will be banished from the Tower, and you will never be allowed back."

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