Darkness Descends

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The holiday of Bel Tine had brought life and excitement to the Two Rivers region of Andor. The village of Emond's Field was alive with music, dancing, and merriment as the townsfolk celebrated in the Winespring Inn. Egwene, Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Nynaeve were among those reveling in the festivities. They danced and laughed with their friends and neighbors, trying to forget the troubles that had been looming on the horizon.

As the night continued, the celebration showed no signs of slowing down. The room was filled with joy, laughter, and the sounds of fiddles playing cheerful tunes. But the atmosphere shifted when Lan, Elara, and Moiraine entered the inn, causing a ripple of concern and whispers among the villagers. The arrival of Aes Sedai and a Warder was an unusual and unsettling occurrence in the Two Rivers.

Nynaeve quickly pushes up near the front with Tam and Rand as they move to the door, "Name yourself, stranger."

Lan steps up into the light coming from inside the Inn and pulls back his hood, "I am Lan Mandragoran. And this is Moiraine and Elara.

Moiriane immediately approaches Marin, as if she knows already who the Innkeeper is, "We'll need stables for our horses and a room for the night. Three beds fresh linens. That is all we need.

Marin the innkeeper notices the great serpent ring on Moiraine's finger, quickly realizing she is an Aes Sedai, and immediately accommodates her requests.

Elara stands quietly observing the room and the reactions around them, noticing and taking note of any young villagers that could be the possible dragon. Egwene, Rand, Mat, Perrin, and Nynaeve catch her attention. She makes a mental note to remember their faces if she happens to wander into their dreams tonight.

The inn villagers returns back to normal conversation as Marin leads Lan, Elara, and Moiraine upstairs to their room.

Perrin excused himself from the festivities and made his way back to his smithy. His wife, Laila, had been working tirelessly in his absence, tending to the forge alone. The sound of a hammer against metal filled the air as Perrin joined her, offering a helping hand. Laila smiled at him, grateful for the company, and together they continued their work.

Mat's situation was quite different. He had to care for his younger sisters, Adora and Alene, as his parents were more interested in celebrating Bel Tine than looking after their children. Mat's frustration was evident, but he did his best to keep an eye on his sisters while trying to enjoy the festivities.

Rand and Egwene managed to find a moment alone in the midst of the celebration. They walked hand in hand through the quiet streets, away from the raucous crowd. They shared whispered words and warm glances, cherishing their private time together. But Egwene's revelation cast a shadow on their moment of happiness.

"Rand," she began hesitantly, "Nynaeve. She asked me to become her Apprentice." Rand was surprised, "What? No, you –" Both of them sit in silence for a long beat. Then revealing what's really bothering him, " It's a lonely life, being a Wisdom. No husband, no kids. Certainly hasn't made Nynaeve happier."

Egwene nods, " I don't know if anything would make Nynaeve happy."

Rand shakes his head, can't believe she's joking about this, "I should get to bed. Goodnight Egwene."


In the privacy of their room at the Winespring Inn, Moiraine and Lan shared a hot bath. Their relationship was a complex one, characterized by deep intimacy and trust, even though it was entirely platonic. The warm water provided comfort and solace as they prepared for their journey, while Elara lay down to rest, her exhaustion from the day quickly lulling her into slumber.

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