Causing a scene at his club

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Eve's POV

Even though my breathing had calmed down and the world around me had stopped spinning, I still couldn't find enough power in my legs to stand up and make a move.

I sat up on the bed immediately and put on my dress. I imagined my hair being tousled and my lipstick out of place. A chill breeze blew from nowhere causing goosebumps to arise on my pale skin. I shivered as anxiety coursed through me.

My body felt weak and my legs felt jittery. Even if I didn't climax, I was satisfied in a way. I still couldn't believe a man like Golden had taken notice of me and he took good care of me.

I glanced at him across the room as he tried to put the toys back in the drawer. He still had a stoic expression on his face.

Who wouldn't be mad when they got interrupted at such a moment? My tits still poked hard at my dress and I rubbed them through the material to calm them down. 

We held eye contact and I could feel the room getting hot again. He dragged his eyes down my body and I could feel it leaving hot trails as his eyes went down and up again.

The intruder knocked again causing Golden to pull the door open. With the way he yanked it, I thought it would come off its hinges.

“What do you want?" Although his voice was very low, I could still hear him.

“B-boss, sorry to disturb you. T-there's a man downstairs breaking things and creating such a mess. "

Why did the person call him Boss? Also, I had noticed the music had stopped and I could hear someone shouting and breaking things downstairs.

“Who is he and what the fuck does he want?!"

"We do not know. He says he's looking for the woman you took with you upstairs and he refuses to leave."

I wondered who that could be and why- Just then, I heard the familiar voice that had the capacity to ruin me.

“ I know you're in here. Get the hell out of here, now."

Picking my purse, I got up from the bed immediately needing no further push. I walked past Golden towards the door and stopped just before crossing into the corridor.

"I'm sorry. This was all a mistake. I can't do this." I said.

I had to go back to a life of misery. What was I thinking? That I could easily break away from Tom? He owned me.

"Wait!" He stopped me.

I twirled around willing the tears to go away. Fun had ended, it was time to go back to my real shattered world where I was no Cinderella and the man staring at me with deep blue orbs right before me could not be my prince charming.

Golden pulled me back, his fingers sending sparks through me.

"If you ever change your mind, call me." His voice was barely a whisper.

I inhaled breaths to steady my lungs as I slipped the card into the purse then strode out without looking back at him because I knew I would break.

Tom stood at the bottom of the stairs with a bottle in his hand, breathing raggedly. He looked like a man because he was sweating and his hair stuck to his forehead and his eyes bulged out.

“Where is my wife?!" He shouted at the top of his voice.

People had gathered to a side to watch the theatrics I was already used to. His violence wasn't new to me.

“Stop it!" I yelled before he could cause any further damage.

"You motherfucking bitch!" He stormed towards me and grabbed my arm, making sure to squeeze it rightly so it hurt. It was his signature.

“What the hell are you doing here?" His face was contorted in rage

"No-nothing." I whimpered in obvious pain but my monster didn't care about that.

“Tell me what the fuck you're doing here! "

“Please stop shouting. You're making a scene. Let's just go home." I pleaded with him softly.

“Go home?! " He pushed me and I braced my ass for impact with the ground when I felt someone grab me by the waist.

I whispered a silent prayer hoping it wasn't golden, I had no excuses.  I turned to see that it was the barman. It was not him which meant Golden was still upstairs.

“Who the hell is this? Is this the person you're cheating with me on? The man you're screwing?"

I stepped away from the kid to lessen the tension.

“He's nobody. Let's just go home. You're embarrassing us."

“Oh trust me, I haven't even started."

Tom's anger issues were the reason we had been embarrassed and kicked out of several places in the past. From restaurants to art museums to weddings, he always found a way to drag me into his mess.

This was another reason why I hated being around him or going anywhere with him. He found a way to blow things out of proportion and threw a fuss when others didn't see it that way.

He brushed past me and went to the barman and grabbed him by the collar. I suddenly felt bad for him because he had been the victim of misdirected anger, first from Golden and now from Tom.

“Stay away from my wife if you want to live. " Now Tom was going too far.

"Mr. Man, you had better leave before we do what you wouldn't like." Three tall muscular men surrounded us.

"Tom, please let us go." Tears rolled down my cheeks

I could not bear it anymore. Why did my life have to be like this? Why? I dragged Tom away.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" He shrugged me off and breezed past me violently.

"I am so sorry. Please pardon him."  I apologized to the barman who seemed horrified.

As I swirled around, my gaze connected with Golden's who was at the top of the stairs, just staring at me, his eyes almost strong enough to pull me back up the stairs as he clenched his fists in anger.

I knew he had sent those men. At least he had saved me from another night where I'd act as Tom's punching bag.

** ** **

Look who we have here. Wait a minute how did Eve's husband know about her whereabouts? I am curious. Are you!?😉

Thank you dear readers for reading!🥰

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