Marriage Favour

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"Mother?" I called, cocking my head to the side, feeling rather uncomfortable with her stare.

Growing up, my mother had her ways of getting me to fess up when I made mistakes or did something behind her back. One way that always worked and creeped the hell out of me at the same time was when she would stare right into my eyes.

That made me shudder all the time.

Hell, even now, with her green eyes threatening to burn holes in my skin, it took all of me and years of practice not to cower before her. I was a grown ass man. While I respected my mother, I would not shrink away like a pathetic green boy.

My mother's eyes trailed over my clenched jaw and she laughed heartily. "You're so cute, thinking you could stand up to me like that,"

"I know!" Anabelle giggled. I glanced down to see she had settled on a sofa close to mom's bed and had her phone out.

Who the hell was she texting? And she hadn't asked about Matt since I got in. My brows narrowed and I looked away. I would deal with that later.

"Mother," I said with a sigh. Of course she saw right through me. She always did. I had a feeling she must have a vague idea of what had happened in Paris as well. If I didn't love her, I'd think she was a witch. She had her way of knowing everything. "Please do not call me cute. And what is this 'favor' you speak of?"

"Well I was thinking-"

A knock on the door cut her off. A man pushed the door open, swaddled in a white coat and had the widest smile on his face.

"Mr Stone!" He greeted me as he walked towards us. Anabelle piped up right then, her eyes brimming with fear as she looked at the doctor.

"Dr Brandon, what's going on?" She asked. "Is Mom fine?"

Dr Brandon nodded at her question and turned to face me. "My deepest apologies, Mr Stone. I wasn't aware you had arrived, I would have met you at the doors myself."

I waved him off. I didn't need all that showy nonsense. What I needed was details about what was going on with my mother.

"What's wrong with my mother?"

His brows raised in surprise. "Straight to the point sir? That's good. How about we talk in my office?"

I glanced at my mother, she no longer looked as happy as she had a few minutes ago. Her hands reached for mine, gripping tightly for a few minutes. She was afraid. It was an emotion I rarely saw on her face, but one I recognized.

"It will be fine," I told her, squeezing her hands in return. "I am here. It will be fine,"

Mother gave me a tight smile before letting go of my hands. I tipped my head at the doctor who turned around on his heels and led me out of the room. We walked a few doors ahead and entered his office.

"Speak, please." I said as soon as the doors were closed behind us.

"Would you like a seat first?" Dr Brandon asked.

I raised a eyebrow at him as a frown creased on my face. Whenever a doctor stalled, the outcome could be dangerous.

"I apologize Mr Stone," He mumbled. "I didn't mean to anger you, I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable,"

I stared at him pensively for a while. I suppose there was no harm in taking a seat. He must have done it all out of respect or appreciation or whatever  feelings humans often felt. Without the Stone Foundation, the hospital would be a pretty deep mess.

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