The questionable scar

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Eve's POV

Golden rolled off me, falling beside me and wrapped his arm around me tight. We were both panting, sweating profusely.

My hair was matted to my forehead, and face. The curls were drenched, evidence of just how intense the sex was. I had never felt anything like it.

The feeling was indescribable.

I sighed, closing my eyes as I felt his hands tighten around me further. With Golden, I didn't have to worry about anything. I didn't have to care about the things around us, the world, my life, or Tom himself.

All that mattered at the moment was him.

Thick long fingers swiped my hair out of my face, running through my scalp gently. A soft sound of satisfaction slipped from my lips and I buried myself deeper into him.

"That was...amazing," I hummed.

His chest rumbled behind my back and he turned me around so that I could face him now. He looked satisfied. His gray eyes moved over my face lazily, scrutinizing them for something. It seemed he found what he wanted because he smiled. It was tiny and was simply a lift of the corner of his lips, but I'd take it as a smile any day.

It seemed Golden rarely showed his expressions. I wasn't sure I had ever seen him laugh. The highest expression of happiness or amusement that he had done was chuckle.

And it was a very sexy sound.

It rumbled low through his chest and then moved up to his throat to give that deep, silvery sound that made the hair on my skin rise in anticipation. I loved it.

Scratch that, I doubted there was something about tonight that I hadn't enjoyed. He had been perfect all through. His carresses, his touch, his kisses, fuck, they had all felt so damned good.

And then there was the wild insane sex.

When his cock was buried deep inside me, it had been so damned satisfying to watch the look on his face. The way his handsome, gorgeous face contorted with pain, as if the very thought of being inside me made him stand on the edge of losing control.

That made me feel oddly powerful.

"It was," He replied, palming my hips. His eyes tore away from my face and moved down the rest of my body. They fell on my breasts and he sighed in satisfaction. "I cannot get over how beautiful these are."

My face burned and I tried to squash the hopeful thought that he stirred within me. Like I mattered. Like all of this mattered.

It was just one night. Just tonight. After tonight, everything would all fade away and he, Golden, would forget all about me. And I would be forced to live with only memories of us.

"You look sad Eve," He murmured and I blinked rapidly, trying to rein in the tears that threatened to spill from me.

"I'm fine," I choked.

He stared at me pensively, then placed a hand on cheek. "You're sure? You do not look fine. Was I too hard on you?"

That was what he thought was wrong with me? The last thing he was, was hard on me. Hard? I almost laughed in derision. At least he hadn't slapped me square in the face or humiliated me. All he had done was give me pleasure.

"You were perfect," I told him with a smile, and reached for his hair.

He let out a satisfied sigh and chuckle. "I feared I must have trespassed. I probably should have prepared your mind ahead for this."

"You had, I figured after the first night we met," I mumbled. "And though I was still quite surprised but it was pleasant still,"

"Pleasant?" Golden chuckled. "Pleasant was not what I was aiming for."

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