The call that stopped him

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Adam's POV

It was safe to say I was fucked.

I stepped out of my car, the dark night sky of Paris flaring down at me, glittering with stars. Another fair reminder that I would not be seeing her tonight.

Not those innocent blue eyes. Not that richly coloured hair, so fucking luscious I wanted to curl them around my hands as I pounded the heck out of her. And her lips. Soft, plump and so fucking perfect.

I groaned, dragging a hand down my face. This was madness. This obsession with her. She belonged to someone else. To that bastard that had caused a damned ruckus all over my club. That shitty asshole didn't deserve her if he couldn't keep her properly. Hell if she were mine, I doubted I could ever leave her side.

Trudging towards the club, Frank, the big bad bouncer tipped his head in bow and pushed the door open.

"Welcome boss,"

I gave him a brisk nod, hesitated then stepped in. I had been so fucking close to ask if he had seen the object of my obsession but then that would give me away.

The club was loud. Red Satin usually was. And I was fucking proud of it. It was the one place people could let loose and do whatever shit they wanted but only within the boundaries I set. Here, I was the boss. I was in total control.

And yet I couldn't seem to control myself.

It had been two whole days, a fucking forty eight hours since I had seen the woman who haunted my dreams. I hadn't been able to think about anything or anyone else. She was all I could see.

Even now, as I settled in a corner of the bar, sloshing a martini in my glass, I couldn't help reliving the moment I had seen her.

She had looked out of place. Blue eyes glanced around the club, looking lost and confused. Her hands, dainty hands, slim and slender and so damned soft like the rest of her, trembled when she raised the glass to her lips.

Fuck, I wanted her then. Immediately. The urge slamming right into me like a damned truck. I wanted to lick the droplets that remained on her lips, ravage that innocent mouth with mine.

And there was the rest of her.

She had the most graceful neck I had ever seen or had the pleasure of holding. When she arched under my touch, I felt fucking satisfied. And those sounds she made, oh fuck, those naughty sounds that slipped from her lips. I loved a responsive woman and good grief, she was. Right there on her stool, she had gotten all soaked.

For me.

All for me.

A low growl slipped from my throat and I adjusted on my seat, trying not to burst through the seams of my pants. Two days and I still yearned for her. For what could have happened between us. I tossed my drink back in anger. If that bastard hadn't interrupted, I would have shown her the fucking stars. I had wanted badly to see those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.

Ah hell, I shouldn't be obsessed with her. Nothing good came out of being fixed on a woman. But hell I couldn't help it. I had even kept the stool she sat on. It was madness.

"A penny for that frown on your face?" A sugary french accent interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to see a redhead grinning down at me. She was dressed for the kill. Her eyes were a sultry brown, darkened around the edges with some mascara or whatever the hell women used on their faces. I didn't give a damn. Her breasts were petite, slightly exposed in the black rockstar dress she wore. The lace garters on her thighs were quite enticing, but all I could imagine were the pale creamy thighs of a certain blue eyed witch that had enticed me.

"How about a kiss instead?" I grunted, yanking her by the hand so that she fell all over my thighs. Her hair, heavy and wavy, swayed with each movement and she giggled endlessly.

It irked me.

Blue eyes did not giggle. No, she sighed and moaned and made the most sensual of sounds driving me mad and stirring up intense feelings within. I wanted to hear her make those naughty sounds. Wanted to see her eyes widened as I played with her pussy, her juices dripping everywhere, running down my fingers making my mouth water. I wanted to hear her screams when I sank balls deep into her.


I'll bet her walls would cling tighter around my cock like they did to my fingers.

"Oooh, is that for me?" The giggling redhead said, reaching for my hard on through the pants.

She would do what I supposed. The chances that I would see blue eyes again were slim. I could track her down and force my way into her life. But then that would scare her would it not. My obsession with her was going to be the death of me if I didn't find a way to get rid of it.

And the redhead stroking my cock was a very good place to start.

I reached for the skull necklace around her pretty neck and tugged her behind me to my private room.

"It's dark," She commented when I closed the door behind her.

"Oui, it is," I replied, snaking an arm around her waist. Our mouth met, and I gripped her jaw in place, ravaging that nubile tongue. Oh she was good, damned good at kissing. But she paled in comparison to blue eyes still.

I pulled away, hearing breathing get heavy with desire. Whatever passion I felt at the moment came from lusting after a woman I couldn't have. A woman I desperately ached for.

"Your knees, now," I ordered, irritated with myself for constantly thinking about her. She was probably with that bastard, moaning all over his damned cock and slobbering for his affection. I hated the thought of that.

She was mine!

She ought to be mine!

The redhead got busy, her hands feverishly yanked down my pants. She gasped when my cock slipped out to hit her face and giggled.


"Get to it!" I snapped, feeling antsy at her hesitance. I didn't need her patronizing me, I needed to get the fucking edge off!

She gave me the stink eye and made me slip her mouth down the shaft when I heard a sound.

My damned ringtone.

With a hiss, I reached for the phone in my chest pocket and frowned. A strange number?

"Ignore it," The redhead purred, batting her lashes at me..

"Leave," I replied, stepping away from her. She blinked in surprise and when she saw the set look on my face, huffed and rose to her feet..

"I'll be waiting," She grumbled and walked out of the room.

I picked the call and the voice I heard surprised me.

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Happy Sunday my lovelies!💖 I hope you went to church😉. Please like vote, comment and preach the gospel about this sweet book to your friends😆. Promise me you'd do that.

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