Destroying her only link to him

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"Get off the road, you nasty bugger!" Someone yelled as he drove past me.

"You too, you damned piece of shit!" I retorted, lowering my window to flip him the middle finger.

It was great to be back home. New York had always been that way. You spend so much time in it that you start to hate the place. A week's vacation was all I needed to see it all from a different perspective.

Paris was great and all, but at least I get to cuss at people in English now and get a reply I can understand. French could be a beautiful language and shit, but I never know if those bastards are cussing me out or complimenting me. It's usually a gamble to decide which it was.

Cruising down the road, I tried to plan the rest of my day in my head. I was tired, and jet lagged as hell, but I had to have a meeting with the board, inform them about the success I made in France, and then move on to the next thing on our list.

The greatest thing, if I could add. If I could manage to score with this particular investor in mind and urge him to invest fully, a whopping fifty percent in the business, then I was sure to hit the top fifty billionaires on the continent. And wouldn't that be awesome?

I grinned as the idea played in my head. I couldn't wait to have that much money. And, of course, the women were sure to follow. Where there was money, there were women. That enough was clear. I'd be so rich, Eve would not have an excuse to leave me.


Her face had been pretty swollen. If I hadn't forced her to use the ice pack before we left France, she most likely would have paraded that bruise for all to see. Such an idiot. If she hadn't provoked me, I never would have laid hands on her. She ought to know that.

I was her husband. When a woman made a foolish decision, it was her husband's responsibility to clean up after her. That was all I did. If she continued to provoke me, then she ought to be ready to face whatever happened.

But she wasn't happy.

She had been unbearably silent throughout the entire plane ride and then the car ride home. All she had done was nod and shake her head like some docile queen. She had to be the weakest wimp I had ever had the pleasure of meeting. All you had to do was dish her a slap, and she would be as mute as a lamb.

But those eyes, those damned blue eyes, they had a knack of making me look like a monster. I hated that shit. She would look at me with those watery blue eyes, and my chest would tighten like I had swallowed the wrong type of pill.

Normally, I wouldn't give a damn, but I would need her tonight. I wasn't in the mood for New York women and I sure as hell couldn't go back to France tonight for some French pussy so of course, I was stuck with that of my wife. Not exactly my first choice.

So of course I would have to find a way to appease her if I wanted things to go my way.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I glanced at the passenger's seat, where she had sat some time ago. Annoying bitch. Now I had to waste money on her. I gritted my teeth and looked away when something caught my gaze.

Eve's phone.

It had almost slipped into the cushion spaces of the car. She must have forgotten all about it when she stepped out of the car like the dumbass she was. Tsking, I shook my head and retrieved the phone, wiping through it as I drove.

It had a password.

A damned password.

"What the hell?"

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