The mystery call

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I woke up with a start. A loud banging noise rang through my head as I tried to figure out where I was. Paris? The plane?

I glanced around the dimly lit room, trying to recognize the things around me. There was a picture frame on the wall, similar to the one Tom had insisted we take to France. Our wedding picture.

I was home.
I winced at the thought, sitting up to adjust my eyes to the slightly dark room. It was night already. The skies outside the curtain linen were dark and gloomy.

Exactly the way I felt.
With a sigh, I leaned against the headboard. What had happened? Last I recalled, I had been looking for my phone. I must have fallen asleep while thinking of where I had dropped it. My stomach growled, depicting hunger, and my eyes widened.

It was late at night, which meant Tom-
The doors to my room flew open, and my husband stood at the doorstep in all his glory, a coy smile playing on his lips.

The banging noise I had heard earlier must have been him throwing the front doors open. He had a  ridiculous habit of throwing them open when he wanted to be dramatic. And if Tom was being dramatic? I shuddered at the thought that settled in my mind.

"Hello, my darling," His grin widened as he moved towards me, winking. I stared at him wide-eyed, feeling my heart beat wildly - and it certainly wasn't because I was moved by all that display.

I was terrified.

Tom, in a good mood, meant one thing and only one thing. He wanted sex. Crap! I glanced down at my trembling hands, trying to stop them from shaking so much. What the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn't sleep with Tom! Not after... Not after Golden. No one could take Golden's place.

"Ah, come on, Eve, I'll be good as long as you're good," He chuckled, planting himself right beside me on my bed. He hadn't changed from the suit he had worn when we arrived in New York. I wasn't any different either. I hadn't changed my dress either.

Tom noticed that and scrunched up his nose. "Why haven't you changed yet?"

"I... I fell asleep," I mumbled, gripping my dress in a fist. He would hit me again. He would hit me!

He raised a hand, and I winced, closing my eyes, waiting for the blow to land. Instead, he patted my hair, laughing as if he found my reaction amusing.

"Good girl," He said gleefully. "Isn't this perfect, Eve? You're as obedient as ever, and you know your place. What could be more perfect than this?"

I bit my lip, shuddering with relief, thankful that I wasn't going to get beat up.

"In fact," He continued, slipping a hand under my face to tilt it up. His hands stroked my jaw, drawing circles over my chin. I felt numb. Numb to his touch, to his advances, to everything about him.

They were nothing compared to Golden's. Nothing.

"I got you something," Tom whispered, smiling like a happy little kid. He fished out something in the pockets of his suit and handed it to me.

I collected the box, frowning at the label on the box.

"A new phone?"

"Yes!" He cheered. "I thought it was perfect. A new phone for new beginnings. Come on, open it."

Reluctantly, I pried open the box, trying to make sense of what was happening. Why was I getting a new phone? Tom never gave me things without some hidden agenda tied to it. He wanted something. And the one thing I had that he didn't have was a pussy.

Oh, I was doomed. He would ask for sex tonight. And if I refused... My face throbbed at the thought. What he did to me in Paris was only a preview of what he could do. A preview of the kind of monster he was.

I held up the new phone with trembling hands, watching its luster blink and sparkle in the light. It looked like it would be worth a lot of money.

And a lot of pain.

But, how coincidental was it? I had been searching for my phone and a new one suddenly appeared.  What on earth?

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Ah... Yes. It's beautiful," I mumbled. "I had been looking for my phone though-"

"Oh I destroyed it," He said nonchalantly and I glanced at him in shock.

"What?!" A yell spilled out of me before I could think straight. "Why would you do that?!"

That had been my only means to reach Golden! How was I supposed to reach him? How would I ever feel alive again?!

"What do you mean what?!" Tom bellowed, jolting me out of my thoughts. He launched to his feet, looming over me. "Why are you so worked up all over the phone?! Are you hiding something from me? I knew it. I knew it when I saw that damned password on it! I knew it!"

"Tom!" I shouted, shifting away from him. He would get me eventually, but I couldn't help it.

"Please calm down! I just... I didn't think you should have destroyed it."

"Why?! Are you hiding something from me? Is that it?"

Oh crap, what do I do? He was going to get angrier and everything would explode in my face. I had to calm him down. 

"I love the new phone," I whimpered. "I'm not hiding anything. Please don't be mad Tom,"

He stared at me pensively for a while, breathing heavily as he glared down at me. And in a blink, the veins that popped in his forehead receded and his lips parted in a smile. The sight made shivers run up my spine.

"Good," He said, climbing back into my bed. He placed a kiss on my cheek, leaving a trail of wet spit when he pulled away.

"I got you a phone because I wanted to protect you, you know? I didn't want those bastards trying to contact you. I don't want them disturbing my pretty wife. Okay?"

"O-Okay," I whispered, closing my eyes tight and clenching my hands in a fist when his lips trailed down my neck.

No. God no, please! I can not do this with him. Not with Tom. Not him.

My eyes burned with tears when his hands found the zipper of my dress and just when I thought he would yank it down and all would be lost, a shrill ringtone filled into the air and I could breathe again.

Tom cursed, pulling away slightly so he could bring out his phone. After fumbling with his pants for a long while, he finally yanked out the device.

I watched him frown as he checked who was calling, and then he chuckled.

"Oh, would you look at that," He said, showing me his phone. A number flashed across the screen. I looked up from the phone to him and then back to the phone.

"I don't understand?"

"You know who has this number?" He grinned, and I shook my head. "It's that asshole who gave you his number at the club. The one you said shoved it into your hands? That's him."

Crap! Golden. Golden was calling back!

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