Chapter 2 - Max Anderson

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Let me paint you a little picture of who I am. I'm Max Anderson, 24 years old. My name is not just a whisper but a resonant call that fills the university halls and vibrates powerfully in the rinks where ice and steel unite. I'm the guy with a textbook in one hand and a hockey stick in the other. Business management is something I decided to learn because of my parents, but if you ask me, all I care about is ice hockey.

I've been lacing up skates since I was a kid, barely taller than the boards that line the rink. And now? I'm the name on everyone's lips, the rising star in the NHL. They say I walk with pride and have an air of arrogance. But tell me, when you're as good as I am when every shot you take is a masterpiece, how can you not carry yourself with a bit of pride?

This whole business degree's like studying for a test you know you're never going to take. Let's be real, my future's written on a sheet of ice, not on the pages of a textbook. I'm aiming for a future where my savings are as impressive as my score sheet, and the cheers of fans eclipse the quiet buzz of lectures. I don't know why my parents wanted me to study, well specifically my mom, my dad has been a hockey player himself so he doesn't see the need for me to study business either. My mom saw how good I was on the ice, but oh well, I did what she wanted to not upset her. Do I love it? No. Does it give me adrenalin? No. Does it make me happy? No. I hate everything about this useless study. If you ask me, I would rather study something related to sports to become a hockey coach. When I finish my career in the NHL, I'm going to need to do something else and I would love to teach others, teaching them how I got this high in my career. I've been thinking about dropping out but...I guess I never had the courage.

When I sit in those lecture halls, my mind isn't circling around the studies. No, it's racing down the ice, chasing after that puck, strategizing the next move that will send the fans into a frenzy. I'm there physically, sure, but my heart? It's already at the rink, waiting for the Zamboni to lay down a fresh sheet of ice for me to conquer.

You're probably wondering "What about the women in my life?"  Well, let me set the record straight—there's no one special. Not that I lack admirers, I actually have a lot of women in my request messages, some that come around to flirt with me, but my heart is committed to the ice. 

Don't get me wrong, I've had my share of romances, fleeting moments where glances and smiles were exchanged where the chill of the rink was momentarily replaced by the warmth of another's gaze, a little flirting here and there outside the arena. But that's all. Nothing more.

For now, hockey is my priority. All I think about is the sound of the puck sliding across the ice, the feel of my stick in hand, and the sight of the net as I aim for another goal. It's pure happiness and I enjoy every second on the ice and in the game.

So, to the question of a significant other, my answer is simple - not yet. There's no time for love, for settling down, for shared dreams and homes. Now is the time for the ice, for the roar of the crowd, for the pursuit of a dream to become the best new player who's ever been out there. The future is open, and the possibilities are endless. And when the right person comes along, someone who understands the beat of my heart, the trips to other places for games, and the dreams that drive me, maybe then I'll hang up my bachelor skates. 

And let's talk about tonight. Tonight is the big game. The start of the NHL season when everyone is watching me. When offers and trades are made. I had had plenty of offers but I could never take one because of university. So I'm starting to think, maybe it's time to drop it. But tonight, I'll step onto that ice, and the world will see what Max Anderson is truly made of. With every move on the ice, I will be living out my dream. It's not just about putting the puck in the net - it's about showing everyone what I'm capable of and of course, having fun with my team! 

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