Chapter 9 - Reina

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A week passed by, and I still hadn't responded to Max's text. I'm sitting at my parents' house cause all week when I was at my apartment, all I thought about was Max and his message. I need to get my head cleared, that's why I came to visit my family with the hope that for once this week I will forget about him and the text. Yet my heart still felt heavy, torn between the attraction I felt for him and the heartbreak from my past experiences. I was questioning myself every fucking day, whether I was making a mistake by not giving him a chance to prove that he was different from the others. 

For the first time, it was hard to understand my own feelings and emotions. On one hand, there was an unexplainable attraction pulling me towards Max, urging me to give him a chance, to see who he really is aside from the arrogant and cocky hockey player. But on the other hand, there was a voice in my mind, reminding me of the heartache I had felt and didn't want to feel ever again. But then again, I won't be able to protect my heart for the rest of my life.

But as much as I liked him, I couldn't ignore the promises I had made to myself. I had sworn not to date hockey players, determined to protect myself from the drama and heartbreak that often came with them. I couldn't afford to let my guard down, especially not for someone like Max, the MVP of the team, the upcoming NHL star, who seemed to attract attention from everyone, especially women.

As I pondered over my dilemma, considering the implications of my decision, my mom's voice broke through the quietude.

"Reina, honey, what's on your mind? You look like you're thinking pretty hard about something," she inquired, her tone gentle and concerned.

"Oh, it's nothing, Mom," I replied, attempting to brush off her concern. "Just thinking about some stuff."

Her expression softened, a knowing look passing between us as she took a step closer. "Hmm, well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. You know that, right?"

I smiled at her, "I know, Mom. Thanks."

"So are you ready to go to that aquarium your brother can't stop talking about?"

"Yeah, I will go grab my stuff and we can go," I chuckled.

I stood up and went up to my room to gather my things. Hopefully, this day with my family will help me to forget about everything...

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